Movers and deputies refuse to evict 103-year-old woman!

ATLANTA, Georgia - November 29, 2011 - A 103-year-old woman and her 83-year-old daughter were just moments away from being evicted from their home Tuesday, when sheriff's deputies and the moving company hired by the bank decided not to go through with the action.

Channel 2's Ryan Young was there when the family started thanking God for the miracle.  At just three weeks shy of her 104th birthday, Vita Lee has shared her home on Penelope Road in Northwest Atlanta with her daughter for 53 years.

"I love it. It's a mansion," Lee said about her house.

Fulton County sheriff's deputies and movers showed up at Lee's home Tuesday after Deutsche Bank planned to kick out the two women.  The moving company and the deputies took one look at Lee and decided that would not happen.

"I saw the sheriffs, who came to put them out, take off and leave. I gave all glory to God," community activist Michael Langford said.

"This family has been waging a war against Deutsche Bank," community activist Derrick Boezeman said.

Channel 2's Ryan Young asked Lee is she was worried about being kicked out of the home.

"No, I knew that they knew what they were doing. God don't let them do wrong," Lee said. The house and case have been in the court system for years. Possible eviction seemed too much for Lee's daughter Tuesday. She was rushed to the hospital.

"Please don't come in and disturb me no more. When I'm gone you all can come back and do whatever they want to," Lee said.

For now, Lee remains in the home. State Senator Vincent Fort told Young on Wednesday that the loan is held by Deustche Bank but is being serviced locally by Chase. Family members said they had enough money to pay the loan, but were having a difficult time getting Chase to accept a payment.