McCain "natural born" question going before a judge!

March 12, 2008 - There are questions surrounding whether or not John McCain - who was born in the Panama Canal Zone in 1936, when it was a U.S. territory - is legally a "natural-born citizen."

According to the Constitution, if McCain isn't "natural-born" then he can't be president.

However, the definition of "natural-born" has never been fully fleshed out. Now, the Associated Press reports, "a federal judge in California has been asked to determine if the Republican presidential candidate meets the legal test to qualify for the White House."

McCain and attorney Ted Olson believe the presumptive Republican nominee is in the clear.

"I am confident that the United States Supreme Court, should it ever address the issue, would agree" that McCain qualifies as a natural-born citizen, said Olson in a statement.