Massive government corruption hidden by focus on Goldman-Sachs!

WASHINGTON - April 22, 2010 - As the country's attention is directed to the Goldman-Sachs scandal, a much greater story lurks beneath the surface involving massive government corruption that makes Wall Street firms pale in comparison.

The current government of the United States, under the leadership of illegitimate President Barack Obama and the Democrat-controlled Congress, is the single most corrupt entity in the nation, worse than all of the private sector scandals combined.

One would be hard-pressed to find an era of U.S history when government was any more corrupt than it is at present.

The manner in which Obama and Congress passed the health care bill is a case in point, but only the tip of the iceberg. ObamaCare was approved by the use of bribes, buy-offs, under-the-table deals, preferential treatment given to politicians sitting on the fence, etc., etc.

Ben Nelson, Blanche Lincoln, Mary Landrieu, Bart Stupak, and others were clearly bribed by the Chicago thugs that hold top offices in the illegitimate Obama regime.

Blanche Lincoln, by the way, the Democrat from Arkansas, accepted Goldman-Sachs campaign contributions and stated that she had no intention of giving them back.

However, with the current controversy surrounding the charges against Goldman-Sachs, which by the way was Barack Obama and the Democrats' largest contributor during the campaign of 2008, a much larger scandal involving government has taken a back seat, at least in the mainstream media.

Senator Christopher Dodd (D-Conn.) was one of the main players in the Fannie Mae, FreddieMac, Countrywide mortgage fiasco - accepting sweet deals from the mortgage giants while carefully covering up any problem in the subprime mortgage sector - and then being among the first to push the massive taxpayer-funded bailouts after the crisis hit.

It just so happens that Christopher Dodd is also one of the main players in Congress pushing for new, sweeping government regulations of the nation's financial sector - a move that has the GOP demanding to see records of SEC contacts with Dodd, Congressional Democrats, the White House, the DNC, and the NYT.

But who is regulating government?  If Christopher Dodd is one of the heavyweights behind the push for government regulation, then who is there to regulate the actions of corrupt politicians who benefit handsomely from sweet deals while at the same time giving Wall Street firms assurances that should they get in trouble again, the government will always be around to bail them out?

It is important to note that the new regulatory bill contains language that promises permanent and automatic taxpayer-funded bailouts should the firms ever again experience a “crisis”. Americans For Tax Reform is urging the defeat of the bill.