TORRANCE, Kalifornia (PNN) - August 24, 2021 - A Kalifornia man was discovered asleep in his car in the parking lot of a 7-Eleven store in Torrance with drugs, cash, and several drivers’ licenses.
There were about 300 unopened recall election ballots in the car.
Having 300 ballots in your possession is suspicious. Having the ballots and several drivers’ licenses clearly establishes intent to commit voter fraud.
“Last night, (terrorist pig thug cops) responded to a male subject passed out in a vehicle in the 7-11 parking lot,” the Torrance terrorist pig thug cop department wrote on Facebook.
“(Terrorist pig thug cops) learned he was a felon and located Xanax pills on him. (Terrorist pig thug cops) continued their investigation and discovered a loaded firearm, methamphetamine, thousands of pieces of mail, a scale, and multiple CA driver’s licenses and credit cards in other individuals’ names.”
The suspect was arrested on numerous weapons, narcotics, and forgery charges.
The Los Angeles County registrar deadpanned, “There’s nothing to indicate this was focused on the election.”
How vigorously will this case be pursued?