NEW YORK - August 28, 2011 - Rep. Ron Paul (R-Tex.) appeared on FOX News Sunday for his turn in the show's continuing series of interviewing Republican presidential candidates vying for the party's nomination.
The segment began with Ron Paul giving his opinion on FEMA and what the federal government's response to a natural disaster should be.
Rep. Paul trashed FEMA as "deeply flawed" and continuing the path of dependency on the government. "It's a system of bureaucratic central economic planning, which is a fallacy that is deeply flawed. FEMA has been around since 1978. It has one of the worst reputations for a bureaucracy ever," said Paul. "I want to transition out of this dependency on the federal government."
Ron Paul says the states should decide if they need federal help instead of the government forcing itself on states that are threatened by natural disasters.
"We are out of money. This country is bankrupt," Paul stressed after explaining FEMA, as well as the federal government itself, was in "big trouble financially".
Paul says the U.S. intervening in Libya is unconstitutional, again stressing that the nation is bankrupt.
Moderator Chris Wallace displayed the Gallup poll showing Paul in third place nationally in the Republican primary, with 13%, and receiving 45% to illegitimate President Obama's 47% in the general election. Paul was asked to explain why he is resonating with Americans.
"Your libertarian views are certainly somewhat unconventional but they have picked up growing support and lets take a look at the numbers if we can,” said host Chris Wallace ”What's going on here? Why are you gaining traction this year?"
"Well because it's a good idea and it's the American ideal. But I'm fascinated with your word unconventional. Isn't it strange that we can apply that word to freedom, and liberty, and the Constitution, limited government and a balanced budget? asked Paul.
”It is not my philosophy, it is the philosophy of the Constitution. It's the philosophy of liberty, property rights and not dependency on government. That's the big thing. People are supposed to assume the responsibility for themselves in a free society,” added Paul.