Join Ron Paul Friends today in support of the only presidential candidate with pro-American values!

We need to send a message out to all the people supporting Ron Paul and lead them to our www.ronpaulfriendsusa.com website and get them logged in to our program. This can be done by posting "Press Releases" to all Freedom Groups for posting on their websites and email updates as well as spreading the word through Internet Radio stations like Republic Broadcasting, We the People Radio Network, Genesis, and many others.

Live Interviews are available and sought after.

Pass this to all your contacts both individually and through the various groups.

JOIN RON PAUL FRIENDS USA ...The time has come!

The Sole purpose of Ron Paul Friends USA is to ensure without a doubt that Ron Paul will:

  • Win the Republican Nomination and
  • Win the Presidential Election.

These goals will be accomplished through Ron Paul supporters getting directly involved in the Politics of the election process at the Grassroots level beginning at your local Precincts.

There are three goals to accomplish at the Precinct level:

  • 1) Get the people registered to vote.
  • 2) Get the majority to vote for Ron Paul.
  • 3) Get the majority of Delegates elected that are Ron Paul Supporters.

Accomplishing the above three tasks in every precinct across the country will ensure that Ron Paul will be our next President! Yes you read that right. He WILL BE our next President if these goals are accomplished. Period! End of discussion. We are not about trying to get the word out and "hoping" that he will be elected. We're going to make sure he is elected.

Ron Paul Friends USA was designed to make this happen. We are building this from the bottom up and the top down and anything in between. If you want Ron Paul as your next President then we need you to make a commitment by volunteering at some level to take charge of an area whether it be a precinct leader, area leader, county leader, or just a block walker hanging "door hangers".

Please sign up at: http:www.ronpaulfriendsusa.com

You will need your Precinct # off your voter registration card or search for your precinct under your Secretary of State's office website. Get involved NOW! We only have a few months to get organized in every precinct before the first Primaries/Caucus' start in December.

Jim Palmisano
North Territory Director
Ron Paul Friends USA

RTR Missouri Coordinator
Restore The Republic
4 East Ogden Ave #125
Westmont, Illinois 60559