TAMPA, Florida (PNN) - August 27, 2012 - In an interview at the Republican National Convention, award-winning actor Jon Voight said he thinks illegitimate President Barack Obama’s regime has “taken over” mainstream media in a manner similar to how leftist Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez controls media in his country.
“The media has been taken over by this (regime),” said Voight, an outspoken Hollywood conservative. “It’s not less than what has happened in Venezuela with Hugo Chavez, really, because you can’t get the information through. I’m giving you this because I want to get the press my opinion. You can put it in any way you want, but it’s become pure propaganda and we should be appalled.
“I mean, the main media is not going to cover the Republican convention?” Voight added as an example. “This is propaganda, pure and simply. They say, ‘well, we’ll give them an hour.’ They’ll edit an hour - well, what will they edit out? What is the story they will tell? Do you understand?
“Guys, you should be appalled,” Voight continued. “Amerika, guys, wake up! You should be appalled that they can get away with it, that they can attack - the Republican Party is a victim of a destructive bias. It’s been going on for all this time and it’s getting worse; and now this? Come on, people, stand up!”