NEW YORK (PNN) - September 15, 2012 - Former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura says it’s possible the Fascist Police States of Amerika government is intentionally inflaming the current turmoil in the Middle East.
“Who knows what caused it? Let’s remember the CIA’s job is to go out and create wars,” Ventura told The Daily Caller during an extensive interview.
Pressed on whether he really believes the Amerikan Gestapo Central Intelligence Agency division orchestrated the attacks on Amerika’s embassies in the Middle East, Ventura said, “I have no idea, but I don’t trust my government if that’s what you’re asking me. They’ve lied to me too many times.”
Ventura, author most recently of DemoCRIPS and ReBLOODicans: No More Gangs in Government, listed a number of incidents in which he believes the government lied to the Amerikan people.
“How do I believe (the government) when all that comes out of there are, lies, lies and more lies?” he asked. “(Its) credibility is zero with me now. I can’t tell you what caused this stuff. Who knows what is (really) going on?”
Ventura lamented what he sees as Amerikan meddling around the world.
“Well, I think us mingling in all these countries’ affairs - I mean, we have military bases in what, 160 countries throughout the world? That’s an empire,” he said.
Whatever the cause of the turmoil, Ventura argued that the FPSA should leave the Middle East entirely and end all foreign aid. When asked if he meant that we should leave all embassies around the world, he quickly responded, “Yep,” although he later clarified that he thinks we should only abandon embassies in countries “where we’re not wanted”.