WASHINGTON - July 10, 2008 - In a
shocking blast at Barack Obama that was caught on tape, the Rev. Jesse Jackson
said, "I wanna cut his nuts out."
He made the astonishingly vulgar remark as he accused the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee of giving moral lectures to African-Americans.
"See, Barack [has] been talking down to black people . . . I wanna cut his nuts out," said Jackson.
His whispered comments - accompanied by his hand-miming a cutting motion - were picked up by a live microphone before an interview on health care in Fox News Channel's Chicago studio on Sunday.
In an effort to blunt the controversy, Jackson apologized publicly at a news conference before the tape aired last night on Bill O'Reilly's "The Factor" show on Fox News Channel.
Ed. Note: Talk about the pot calling the kettle black (pun intended), considering how if he could, Jesse Jackson would give every black man and woman spiritual crutches.