Israel rationing water to Palestinians!

JERUSALEM, Israel - October 27, 2009 - Amnesty International on Tuesday accused Israel of denying Palestinians adequate access to water while allowing Jewish settlers in the occupied West Bank almost unlimited supplies.

Israel, the human rights group said, restricts availability of water in the Palestinian territories "by maintaining total control over the shared resources and pursuing discriminatory policies."

"Israel allows the Palestinians access to only a fraction of the shared water resources, which lie mostly in the occupied West Bank, while the unlawful Israeli settlements there receive virtually unlimited supplies," Amnesty researcher Donatella Rovera said in a report.

Israel consumes four times more water than Palestinians; Israelis use an average of 70 liters (16 gallons) a day per person, according to the report entitled: "Troubled waters - Palestinians denied fair access to water."

Amnesty said the "inequality" is even more pronounced in some areas of the West Bank where settlements use up to 20 times more water per capita than neighboring Palestinian communities, which survive on barely 20 liters (5.28 gallons) of water per capita a day.

"Swimming pools, well-watered lawns and large irrigated farms in Israeli settlements in the OPT (occupied Palestinian territory) stand in stark contrast next to Palestinian villages whose inhabitants struggle even to meet their domestic water needs."