Is Barack Obama ineligible to be President?

July 20, 2008 - The purported Certification of Live Birth published by the Daily Kos left wing blog and claimed as genuine by the Obama campaign features a security border that differs dramatically from security borders on COLB documents before and after the one supposedly printed out for Obama in 2007.

Barack Obama may be on a world tour surrounded by a fawning media, but Sunday an expert in electronic document forensics released a detailed report on the purported birth certificate - actually a "Certification of Live Birth" or COLB - claimed as genuine by his campaign. The expert concludes with 100% certainty that it is a crudely forged fake, "A horribly forgery," according to the analysis published on the popular right-wing Atlas Shrugs blog.

The purported birth certificate was published by the left wing Daily Kos blog on June 12, 2008, in response to unconfirmed reports that Obama was not in fact born in the United States (Canada and Kenya were suggested as the possible locations of his actual birth). Since he would in that case not be a natural born U.S. citizen (his mother was not present in the U.S. sufficiently long as an adult to pass American citizenship on to him automatically), he would not be eligible to be president.

Israel Insider has followed the story in five previous articles and uncovered evidence, most recently, of admitted forgery among Daily Kos bloggers, tolerance of electronic forgeries on the blog site, as well as efforts by a blog administrator to conceal the admission of forgery.

The latest examination of the purported documents is by far the most detailed and technically sophisticated to date.

Atlas Shrugs publisher Pamela Geller reports that the expert analyst, who goes by the screen name "Techdude", is "an active member of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, American College of Forensic Examiners, The International Society of Forensic Computer Examiners, International Information Systems Forensics Association - the list goes on. He is also board-certified as a forensic computer examiner, a certificated legal investigator, and a licensed private investigator. He has been performing computer-based forensic investigations since 1993 (although it did not even have a formal name back then) and he has performed countless investigations since."

Perhaps the outspoken Israeli press corps will be able to do what their fawning American counterparts have failed so far to do. Obama's visit to Israel this week will be an opportunity to begin asking tough questions - however politically incorrect - about his apparently forged birth certificate and what that means for his citizenship status and constitutional fitness to be the next President of the United States.