Another example of outlaw government official thuggery.
INDIANAPOLIS, Indiana (PNN) - February 4, 2012 - Indiana Secretary of State Charlie White was convicted of six felony charges Saturday morning, including three counts of voter fraud, according to The Indianapolis Star.
White’s case stemmed from providing incorrect information about where he lived while campaigning for secretary of state in 2009 and 2010. He claimed that he lived with his ex-wife in the east side of the town of Fishers but actually he lived on the opposite side of town with his then fiancee, which is outside of the geographical qualification zone for Fishers Town Council.
According to the jury, White broke the law using his ex-wife’s address while voting in the May 2010 primary and continuing to take a salary from the district.
Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels named White’s chief deputy, Jerry Bonnet, as interim Secretary of State. White still has the opportunity to regain his seat if a judge downgrades his Class D felonies to misdemeanor charges during his sentencing, with a court date yet to be determined.
White faces from six months to three years in prison for each count.