By Lee Parker
How many remember ever hearing the saying, "Idle hands are the tools of the devil"? I remember my grandmother saying this whenever I complained about being bored. She would admonish me and then find some "work" for me to do. I would find myself washing her car, cleaning her front room, or (worse of all) cleaning MY room. My grandmother knew that the best remedy for boredom was "work".
After several experiences with my grandmother, I don't remember if I learned to keep quite about being bored, or if I learned to find something to occupy my mind so that I wouldn't feel bored. Either way, I learned that there were many benefits to putting my idle hands to work.
I could "bore" you about how young I was when I began working. I could tell you about how poor my family was, how my alcoholic father was never home, how my enabling mother excused my father's drinking, etc, etc,etc.
In truth, my deplorable homelife was the impetus for seeking a better life, a life created by the work of my hands. I believed I could make a better life for myself by working hard, studying hard and saving my earnings for those things I needed.
I never believed my family situation was an excuse for not having what I wanted. After all, I believed that because I lived in America, worked hard and did "what was right" I would be successful in bettering my position in life. And I was right.
I worked hard, saved my money, went to college (without a student loan) and eventually got married. While I was married, I continued working in order to help attain the material "things" I thought was important. I was never bored.
Now that I am in my "mature years" I realize that all my efforts to create the perfect American dream came as a result of the programming perpetrated by those who would use my labor for their own purposes. I realize that in an effort to better my life, I was actually supporting those who would keep me in the bonds of slavery to the state. What began as a relief from boredom became a self-perpetuating cycle of "work-hard-spend-all" while going further and further in debt.
Today, I still work hard. I still want nice "thing" and I still am not bored. The difference is that today I am not owned by the state. I am not a slave to the internationalists. I am not "under contract" with any state entity. I don't have life insurance. I don't have health insurance. I don't live beyond my means and I appreciate all that I have. My hands are not idle; they are not tools of the devil and neither are they tools of the government.
My grandmother was right. "Idle hands are tools of the devil". But hands that are working for the government are also tools of the devil. My efforts to better my life result in benefits for ME AND MY FAMILY and not for a socialist government which does not adhere to and uphold the Constitution on which our great country was founded.
I can only hope you will do the same and stop financially supporting a foreign government known as the federal United States. This government is not OUR government; it is the government of the international money-mongers who use you and your children as slaves for their agenda. Please heed these words and make changes in your life that will kill the beast that is causing the death of the united States of America.