PELHAM, New Hampshire - June 12, 2011 - Pelham police say they were justified in using a Taser several times on a cow, despite a complaint from its owner.
Last week, one of Wendy Bordeleau’s two cows got loose from her 30-acre farm.
About a dozen people were trying to corral 800-pound Houdini across busy Mammoth Road when police showed up with their Tasers.
“They said, “We’re going to Taser her, we’re going to Taser it,’ and the group was pleading with them. Everyone was kinda yelling, ‘Please don’t Taser the cow, it’s only going to make it worse,’” she told local radio.
Houdini was zapped at least four times.
“It didn’t really affect the cow all that much. It kind of realized that something had hit it and that it was comparable to a bee sting,” said Bordeleau.
However, Bordeleau thought police went too far.
Sgt. Mike Pickles said he made the right decision. “It blew through a wooden fence right next to me. That was the time a decision was made. I have to do something to try and control this animal,” he said.
“As a matter of public safety, that is a better option than just allowing things to happen and people (to) get hurt,” added Pickles.
The cow made it home safely and, at last check, was eating grass.