How to prepare for the economic collapse!


July 23, 2009 - If this forecast holds true and a major portion of our states file bankruptcy, there will be widespread panic, our state funded services and programs will be closed down immediately, and confusion will reign amongst political leadership and the citizenry.

Not long after the states file bankruptcy, we could see martial law declared by the illegitimate President of the United States, as a means to bring back order and peace. Those who are unwilling to comply with the mandates of the martial law will be hauled off to FEMA camps and military bases throughout the United States.

How can you prepare now for this coming economic collapse?

  • Begin stocking up your cabinets, pantries, and closets with non-perishable food items.
  • Purchase a portable camping stove in case your home’s electricity is shut off.
  • Start consuming a healthier diet so your body isn’t dependent on the processed and junk foods to which we’ve grown accustomed.
  • If you have the space in your yard, plant and grow a garden.
  • Stock up on vitamins and necessary supplements to ensure you stay healthy in the next Great Depression.

  • Discuss emergency plans with your family, roommates, friends and/or loved ones.
  • Store a stockpile of hygiene items including deodorant, toothpaste, towels, washcloths, and toilet paper.
  • Make sure you have a hefty reserve of bottled water on hand, stored in a safe place.
  • Keep extra pillows, sheets, and blankets in your closets.
  • Have at least one shotgun, rifle, or handgun, if not more.
  • Ensure that you have enough ammunition to defend yourself, your household, and your loved ones in emergency situations.
  • Community

  • Get to know your neighbors.
  • Know who you can and cannot trust in your local community.
  • Gather together with like-minded individuals in your community, choose designated methods of contact, and choose a few leaders.
  • Pick a safe house, where your community coalition will go in emergency situations.
  • Pick two alternative safe houses, in case the primary safe house becomes compromised.
  • In times of peace, continue to make your community aware of political, social, and economic dangers.

  • Save paper and coin money in a safe place in your house.
  • Invest in a small or medium size safe to store your money and other valuables.
  • Slowly begin withdrawing from your savings and investment accounts on a regular basis. Store this money in a safe location.
  • If you can purchase gold, buy it. Gold retains the same value no matter how low or high the currency markets go.
  • Stop paying taxes to save money and force government leaders to listen to the citizenry, the people who put them in office.

Take Action
  • Remember, the government belongs to the people and it’s our duty to ensure our rights and freedom.