Holiday shopping season off to a horrible start!

NEW YORK (PNN) - December 2, 2013 - According to the National Retail Federation, Amerikans spent an average of 4% less over the four day Thanksgiving weekend this year than they did last year. Overall, that means that approximately $1.7 billion less was spent at Fascist Police States of Amerika retailers compared to last year. It had already been projected that this holiday shopping season would be the worst for retailers since 2009, but if these numbers are any indication it may be even worse than expected.

So why is this happening? Because the Amerikan consumer is tapped out. The unemployment crisis in this country is actually getting worse, poverty is absolutely exploding, and the middle class is being systematically eviscerated. In other words, you can't get blood out of a stone. Many retailers are offering extreme discounts in a desperate attempt to lure more shoppers, but the money simply isn't there.

Shoppers, on average, were expected to spend $407.02 during the four days, down 3.9% from last year. That would be the first decline since the 2009 holiday shopping season; a sure sign that the Second Great Depression is still with us.

At this point, the labor force participation rate in the FPSA is at a 35-year low; an all-time record 102 million working age Amerikans do not have a job.

After accounting for inflation, 40% of all FPSA workers are currently making less than what a full-time minimum wage worker made back in 1968.

Things are bad when increasing the number of Amerikans on food stamps by 15 million is regarded as an economic accomplishment. In fact, a message recently posted on the official White House website says, "SNAP is boosting the economy right now" and that high food stamp enrollment is creating lots of jobs.

According to the FPSA Census Bureau, 49.2% of all Amerikans are currently receiving benefits from at least one government program, and the fascist federal government has spent an astounding $3.7 trillion on welfare programs over the past five years.

Meanwhile, our jobs are being killed off and wages are going down. The middle class is being systematically destroyed and FPSA consumer spending is drying up.

Furthermore, things are going to get much worse.