WASHINGTON (PNN) - November 6, 2013 - That is a really crazy headline, right? Unfortunately, it is not a joke. Right now, gelatin made with human DNA fragments is already being used in pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines, and scientists believe that recent breakthroughs will soon make it economically feasible to use such gelatin in consumer products such as gummy bears and marshmallows on a massive scale.
So are you ready for gummy bears made out of people? They are coming; and this is just the tip of the iceberg.
Scientists have also combined human DNA with mice, rabbits, goats, pigs, sheep and cows. We have arrived at a time in human history when advances in technology have opened the door to a lot of things that were once considered to be impossible, and scientists are having a field day. But in the end, where will all this technology end up taking us?
Most people would never even imagine that the gummy bears they are eating could potentially contain human DNA.
Well, from now on you might want to check, particularly if those gummy bears come from China.
In 2011, scientists in Beijing reported on a method of creating large amounts of gelatin by inserting human DNA fragments into yeast. Human DNA-derived gelatin has actually been in use for a while, in vaccine preparation and the gel caps in which many over the counter drugs come. This method created such large quantities of gelatin that it would be practical to use it for more common consumer goods like candy and baking supplies.
This is actually a brilliant breakthrough, because it avoids a whole lot of problems inherent in “natural” gelatin production. It’s incredibly difficult to get consistent results when manufacturing gelatin, and consistency is very important with vaccines. Because gelatin is derived from animal by-products, it can cause allergic reactions or be off limits to people with ethical or religious reasons for avoiding animal products.
Pretty gross, eh?
Who wants to eat human DNA?
Certainly not me. I have no plans to be a cannibal.
Unfortunately, millions of Amerikans are already getting human DNA in their pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines.
In fact, human-derived gelatin is already in use by the pharmaceutical industry in the manufacture of certain pills and vaccines. The highly controlled production techniques of the laboratory offer a more consistent product than “traditional” gelatin, which is made from the bones and skin of pigs and cows.
Do you know what is in the pills you are taking?
You might be eating people right now without even knowing it.