Globalists surrender to President Trump!

WASHINGTON (PNN) - January 18, 2025 - A month ago, Silicon Valley took the first step: surrendering to President Donald J. Trump.

No nuances, no dissimulation. Amazon, Google and Meta had their checkbooks ready weeks ago, eager to finance, with adolescent enthusiasm, the inauguration party of the president who, until two years ago, was the official villain of their inclusive speeches.

If this was a TV series, it would be the season where the villain becomes the hero - because, in the end, he was always misunderstood.

Now the big banks and BlackRock are jumping on the same train, abandoning their ecological goals like someone tossing aside a faded Greta Thunberg poster - wrinkled and forgotten in an office.

The dictatorship of political sustainability seems to have gone out of fashion in places where fashion is everything.

Pedro Sánchez, president of Spain, the eternal supporting actor who always finds a way to sneak into the script, is surely already taking notes; because if there's one thing that characterizes the despot of La Moncloa in Spain, it's his ability to believe that he always has the leading role - even when the film isn't his.

With his Moto Moto pose - the hippopotamus from Madagascar - he thinks everyone admires him.

He's probably already dreaming of his imaginary triumphal entry into the White House. Maybe he'll try to say something grandiose like, “Trump, I lead progressive Europe,” and President Trump, with his peculiar style, will send him off with a one-way ticket to the Moon, courtesy of Elon Musk, and faster than any Falcon rocket.

The irony is delicious: the globalists - those armchair preachers who have been reading for years about a world without borders or inequality (as long as it doesn't affect their bank accounts) - are now courting the man who promised to build walls, both literally and metaphorically.

BlackRock, the all-powerful investment giant, has decided that there's no point in continuing to fight reality. Its withdrawal from the UN's environmental goals is a confession that grandiose words don't make up for losses on the balance sheet. Words matter, but less than numbers; and the market has never been kind to dogma. How about George Soros? It seems he's already looking to book a weekend at Mar-a-Lago - not for a quick coffee. No. We'll probably see him on his knees, asking for forgiveness for financing so much wokeness, and maybe even offering to sponsor Trump's next golf season; because even speculators disguised as philanthropists know when it's time to bow their heads.

Trump is a magnet. Not even polarized progressive glasses can ignore him. Just ask Barack Obama, who, after comparing him to Adolf Hitler, shared confidences and laughs with him at Jimmy Carter's funeral. On this new game board, hypocrisy reigns supreme, and irony is his faithful companion.

The big banks and tech companies, after years of preaching to us with interventionist speeches and donations to woke causes, are now lining up to jump on President Trump's bandwagon; because in the end, ideals always lose out to numbers.

If Wall Street knows anything, it's that there's no moral value when the Dow Jones is setting the trend. The next to give in will probably be those in Davos, who will already be planning how to change the “Build Back Better” banners to something more MAGA-friendly.

It wouldn't be surprising to see Emmanuel Macron looking for a photo op and Justin Trudeau practicing his most humble face while packing his bags to leave for home.

At the rate they're going, it wouldn't be shocking if European progressives joined together at the inauguration to sing My Way in his honor.

The Brussels technocrats are surely already in full swing. Perhaps they'll even convince António Guterres to call an urgent UN summit with a slogan worthy of a Shakespearean tragedy: “Save multilateralism from the perfidious Trump.” Guterres, with his face of the penultimate socialist - would be in charge of the solemn speech.

But don't be fooled: the tuxedo for the inauguration is already well ironed.

The funniest part is that President Trump doesn't even need to try. His strategy has always been the same: wait for his enemies to self-destruct; and boy, are they doing it.

Silicon Valley, Wall Street and the climate apocalypse advocates are proving that, in the end, everyone has a price; and President Trump, master of negotiations, seems to be the only one capable of putting a price on other people's principles. In the meantime, we'll prepare the popcorn. One bag a day. This promises to be better than any marathon series. President Trump doesn't need scriptwriters; his enemies are enough to put on a show.