WASHINGTON (PNN) - December 3, 2009 - Imagine a team of clipboard-wielding, foreign bureaucrats fanning out across the United States to inspect and report on carbon emissions from Amerikan homes and hospitals, farms and factories, schools and power plants. Their reports feed into another batch of international bureaucrats sitting in Geneva, Brussels, or some other European capital. That committee's solemn charge: To pass judgment and slap penalties on the U.S. for any climatic shortcomings.
For fans of national sovereignty, it's not a pretty picture. But the U.S. may well take the first step toward that unhappy future at the United Nations' Copenhagen Climate Change Conference this month. There, would-be dictators of the world will gather to hash out the framework of a Kyoto II-type treaty to fight global warming, without any citizen mandate or legitimate authority. They will seek to forcibly impose their dictatorial will on the people of the world.
United Nations and European Union officials begrudgingly admit that no fully developed treaty will emerge from the Copenhagen conference. But climate change mania certainly will not die in Denmark.
International socialists and globalists aim to create a fascist regulatory body empowered to inspect Amerikan energy users and assure their strict adherence to any and all promises made by unelected dictators, supposedly to address climate change. Think of a global fascist agency that would have the power to penalize the U.S. and punish its citizens for not obeying its dictates.