From Victim to Victor

By Lee Parker

What would life be like if we were able to eliminate the concept of victimhood from our culture? What would the world be like if we were able to eliminate victimhood from the consciousness of all humankind?

Those who would control the behavior and actions of all people use the concept of victimhood to further their plan of global servitude for the people of the world. By constantly amplifying our weaknesses, shortcomings and insecurities through television, radio and print media, most people have been convinced that they are unable to take care of themselves. We are constantly reminded of our inability to take care of ourselves through television advertising, talk shows, news broadcasts and an endless number of cop shows. This constant barrage of negative information regarding our limitations is nauseating. According to mass media, mass education and mass indoctrination, none of us are able to face a day without some form of psychological or pharmaceutical aid.

According to these "controllers," we are all victims who must be cared for and protected against all outer and inner confrontation. We must run from anger, hurt and the disappointment of life. We are incapable of living without the illusion that the government can make our lives easier and better. We are not responsible for our actions because we are incapable of dealing with the hardships life can offer.

For every victim there must be a victimizer. The victim must act out his role by finding the person, place or thing who will confirm his inability to care for himself. The victim's life becomes a cycle of roles immersed in helplessness and victimhood; the victim always requires someone to rescue him.

At one time, I lived my life as a victim. I fell for the lie that I needed the government to allow me to get a home loan, a student loan, a driver's license. I thought that I needed government permission to go into business. I thought that by registering to vote I was exercising a God-given right. Now I know that none of it is true! I was a victim of government lies!

Now that I am older and wiser, I am appalled at the extent to which I believed the government's deception. I am astonished that I actually fell for this self-serving propaganda that reduced me to my worst fears. I wonder why I trusted the government and distrusted myself. I had forgotten how to think for myself. It's a wonder that I became sufficiently awake to throw off the shackles of victimhood and enjoy the freedom of self-determination.

Many people think that self-determination is difficult, but I disagree. When I remember how stressful it was for me, following all of the "rules" and doing what I was told to do in order to be a "good citizen," in other words, allowing myself to be used as a governmental statistic, I wonder why it took me so long to see through the lies. I am grateful that I now claim my life for myself. If I succeed, it is my success. If I fail, it is my failure. I will not blame anyone else for my pain and I will not share my triumphs with any bureaucrat. My life belongs to ME! I am no longer a victim!

My movement from victim to victor began when I realized how I had been controlled by the federal government for entire life. I decided that the gift of life necessitated me taking responsibility for my life and rejecting the programming perpetrated on me through the government controlled mass media. When I decided to throw off the emotional and mental shackles of external control, I began a path of self fulfillment.

You can free yourself, too! The change from victim to victor must be accomplished one person at a time. Each of us must commit to how he or she wants to live, then take action to ensure that personal commitment is fulfilled.

Choice continues to be a gift given to us by our Creator, and one-by-one each of us chooses which role to take - victim or victor. I invite you to join me and be a victor. We will then find others who wish to join us in our victory. As we become stronger and more numerous, even more people will find the courage to take responsibility for their own lives. Eventually, we will conquer the lie that we cannot take care of ourselves with the greater truth that we can, and we will reclaim our country as the Land of the Free. Personal responsibility will again be foundational as the primary means of self-regulation, self-control, and self-determination.

I look forward to our journey together to re-create our country as a bastion for individuals who are willing to take responsibility for their actions; who wish to live as they see fit, without harming others! I look forward to recreating with you, an America where individuality and self-determination are normal and government is put in its proper place as servants of the people, the rightful masters of our country.