From BADD to WERSE - a Freedom Dialogue!

The following story is an allegory that will entertain while enlightening. (Making any changes without the express written consent of the author can lead to guilt, stress, sterility illness and/or litigation, the author does not want that for you.) Dennis Grover is the author of "KNOWLEDGE = FREEDOM,” The True American Way Resource Guide." (www.knowfree.com) Dennis is also the host of "WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL,” The Truth on Television" now in its tenth year of production. (www.libetyandjusticeforall.tv) Thousands of copies of the original "BADD & WERSE" booklet have been distributed by many American organizations.  It has now been rewritten to include the much needed solution to the mess that BADD and WERSE created. The message of Ron Paul and the rEVOLution.



By Dennis Grover, American


Years ago, Gonn BADD and Lott WERSE, two colleagues, void of spiritual development, having nothing to offer mankind, spent their time dreaming up and planning ways to control mankind. Their goal was to turn humanity into slaves that would feed themselves without conscious knowledge.

They wanted to control his creativity, productivity, finances, relationships, travels, thoughts, health and liberties. Accomplishing this required hours of discussion, carefully thought out and slowly implemented plans, a great deal of creativity and the time to bring it all together. They knew that in order to fool everyone they had to first create problems, convince the people that they had these problems, and then provide solutions to the problems originally created.

BADD and WERSE had a major hurdle however, they wanted control of the most productive and free country ever known; America, and they had to somehow get around a well thought out Constitution controlling America's government, an entity necessary to their goal.

The up side for these two was the fact that Americans are good and honest people believing that everyone else is the same. Granted, a fine quality but it left them vulnerable. Since the vast majority of Americans are too busy trying to survive, be happy, productive and "free" they probably won't believe that the following conversations ever took place, so I'll leave it up to you: is this fact or fiction?




BADD - Well Werse my friend we have a major task, where should we start?

WERSE - As I see it we must get control of their money, food and health. To do this we must lower their education level and eliminate their ability to apply common sense or reality to what's going on around them.

BADD, Let's start with money; first we get control of the money away from government by creating an entity to take that burden off of Congress. We can convince them that by letting us manage this task privately, they can personally become rich and the sleeping American public won't know what happened. We can make our system an interest bearing, debt system, take control of the gold, and ultimately the country will go bankrupt trying to pay us back their own money. We can have the government print the money whenever we want, give it to us for the cost of ink and paper and then we'll loan it back to them with interest so they can run their country. I also have a plan to make Americans voluntarily guarantee the repayment of these loans.

WERSE, Do you really think Congress and especially the American people are naive enough to fall for this?

BADD, Sure, they believed the Civil War was about slavery, they’d believe this. Let's give our new brainchild a catchy name. How about The Federal Reserve System? The American folks will believe it’s part of their government since it's "Federal", they'll rest comfortably knowing the country has a "Reserve" and they'll think the "System" is theirs for monetary control, not ours for people control.

WERSE, Sounds pretty far fetched to me, but go on. How can we get the American people to think they're responsible for this debt?

BADD, About the time that America declares bankruptcy, which I estimate to be in the 1930's, puts itself in our hands as receivers, we will create two taxes and sell them as necessities for management of their beloved America. First, believe it or not, a tax on their labors where everything they do to create, live, and better themselves will be taxed and, we can make it graduated so that the harder they work and the more they produce the higher the tax. We can get away with this by teaching them that "all men are created equal" means that all men end up with the same amount of money, regardless of how hard he works. Secondly, another tax disguised as a fund set up to support them in their old age. We can stick both of these taxes to them because they love their country and they'll believe that the tax on their labor will support their great and free nation, they'll also believe that a trust fund for their retirement years will benefit everyone. Let's name the first Income Tax and the second, Social Security. We can issue everyone a social-surveillance number to tie them to these two taxes.

WERSE, Income tax will probably work OK, all we have to do is get a few attorneys to write six or seven thousand pages of statutes so convoluted, contradictory and full of vague misrepresentations that the mere thought of comprehension will send people to our trained "experts" to help them comply.

BADD, Right and we can fool honest accountants into becoming "Certified" by us and instead of keeping records for their clients, they'll keep records about their clients for us. Now we have information to use against them and, listen carefully... their clients will pay them for it.

WERSE, You're a genius BADD, but I don't know about the name Social Security. It sounds more like having the knowledge that your fly is closed in public than a retirement benefit.

BADD, You're right but we can't call it "Old Age Pittance" because it would be too hard to sell. And besides with a respectable name, they won't pay much attention when we spend their "contributions" on whatever we want and make their children and grandchildren responsible for the poverty level return on their investment. As long as we give the illusion that we're helping them prepare for later years, they won't bother to do the arithmetic associated with investing 10% or 15% of their wages during their lifetime.

WERSE – Suppose someone catches on and starts a value-based system of exchange by, lets say warehouse receipts backed by gold & silver being held in trust and the people start using them for exchange of goods and services? It could hurt our debt system backed by nothing and expose the tax frauds we will create.

BADD – There will undoubtedly be attempts at such an honest enterprise and would probably attach positive words to their system such as American Liberty Currency or Liberty Dollar. However, if such a thing should catch on and we feel threatened, we will have plenty of morally defunct knuckle-draggers in the employ of our police, legal system and courts that we will simply use them to stage a raid, steal their gold, silver, records and equipment, using some trumped up interpretation of one statute or another and put them out of business. Our newly acquired media can then demonize such a brazen attempt of honesty and free enterprise. The common senseless will never understand the magnitude of such a move on our part and they would point fingers in the wrong direction. The only threat to all of our plans would be if the American people ever got together and elected a leader we could not control who would uphold the Constitution.

WERSE, Sounds good but since these people are sovereign citizens and their government has no power to lay such taxes, how can we fool them and make this happen?

BADD, We have to assign them numbers and papers that will create the illusion that they are sovereign and feel that they owe it to their country to support our system. Let's start at birth; we can issue them a certificate that proves they were born.

WERSE, Hold on, do you really believe that someone holding a brand new baby will believe they have to get a piece of paper to prove the event?

BADD, They’ve bought into everything else, let's give it a try. Now the beauty of this thing is that when a baby is born we have the opportunity to create a brand new corporate entity on paper that we can legally tax and control administratively making sovereignty a non-issue. We do this by capitalizing all the letters on this document the same as the baby's name. When John is born we create a certificate for JOHN, and as long as we can deceive John into believing he is JOHN he will make himself responsible for all the statutes we can think of for JOHN. John will get a social surveillance number for JOHN. John will get a driver license for JOHN and a business license and any other thing we can dream up to get John's wealth. In fact John will even appear and plead for JOHN to our newly created victimless crime statutes enforced in our commercial courts and we can put John in jail if JOHN gets out of line. All we have to do is make sure that John converts his entire God given rights to JOHN'S government given privileges and pays our fees. Also, sovereign state-citizen John must never realize that he is not the national corporate slave JOHN.

WERSE, It will take quite a while for John to wake up to JOHN which gives us plenty of time to get control of the major media and convince people that what we tell them is truth. And even though there will be a few John's that wake up and try to expose their JOHN'S we can simply make up some new bad words to label him with. Besides if John tries to tell the truth about JOHN it will be so unbelievable that people will think he's nuts anyway. Regardless, let's pick a few good words and have our media turn them bad. I would suggest, patriot, sovereign citizen, anti-government, extremist, supremist, separatist, right wing conservative, racist, militia and let's be sure we fully destroy John by passing a few laws that would make him a terrorist, because after all if he were to reveal JOHN to the masses we would be exposed to terror.

BADD, That media control thing is great, we can use it not only to cover up the truth but to sell new lies as we think them up. By putting out timely doses of our garbage we can make most Americans believe we're their friends working only to protect their best interests. As time goes on I believe we will be able to get away with everything in all forms, we can attack innocent families, bomb buildings, crash airplanes, maybe even burn a church if they don't agree with us, and then use the media to blame it on the victims and John who found out he wasn't JOHN.

WERSE, This is all fine but we have to create many more ways to subdue the consciousness, empty the pockets, and maintain control of these Americans while at the same time making them believe they are free.

BADD – Before we continue though there will be people who figure this out and attempt exposure of JOHN-John and the involved sovereignty theft by deception; what do we do about them when they try and introduce Law into our Commercial courts.

WERSE -  While there is a negative, yet often used 2 word exlamation that would be truthful in the treatment of the trouble-maker but not readily acceptable by the people we will clean it up by using our own 2 words; deny and lie. We deny him any right to present law and get a couple of our chosen employees to testalie against him. Since we will have jury nullification quashed by then, juries will not have any option except to find him guilty and lock him away. We will be sure and have one of the judges we purchased earlier, preside.

BADD, We'll alter one thing at a time, by identifying what is now prosperous to Americans and turn them to our favor. Here's a simple one, seeds. A farmer now saves part of his harvest for seeds to start next years crop. Suppose we alter the seeds so that they won't reproduce themselves. We could call them hybrid seeds and farmers would then have to buy new seeds every year from a corporation that we will form and bingo we have a new industry plus whenever we feel like it we could shut off the seed supply and food production. Another little bonus would be that the food produced from these hybrid seeds won't be as nutritious and people will experience more illness making our medical corporations more profitable.

WERSE, Speaking of farmers, they're making a profit right now growing hemp and inexpensively producing paper, cloth and fuel oil from just this one crop. Suppose we use our media to associate hemp with its sister plant marijuana, declare marijuana a horrible, addictive, society-corrupting drug, outlaw it, and hemp farming too. This will open an opportunity to create new industries our way, make America dependent on petroleum products, give us a control of energy, and create synthetic fabrics at a higher cost. Later on we can introduce more addictive drugs to America, creating a new problem, and then offer the solution of a war on these drugs fought by new agencies we will create. Over time Americans will forget that hemp grows like a weed and offers an endless non-polluting supply of inexpensive and durable products.

BADD, Let's work on medicine and doctors. We know that the body will heal itself if properly nourished, so let’s encourage Americans to eat lots of junk to clog their arteries and eliminate essential elements the body needs to maintain itself. As we progress we can introduce all kinds of toxins into their food and water. We can get dentists to back us up when we poison their water with Fluoride and since there's no money in safe water treatments, we'll lace it with Chlorine from our chemical companies. We can put all kinds of stuff in their food and call them preservatives. After they drink our water and eat our food for a few years they'll be sufficiently full of our poison to cause all kinds of diseases that the body can't cope with, then we turn them over to doctors that have been taught in our controlled medical schools to treat the symptoms with our over priced manufactured drugs rather than treating the disease itself with inexpensive alternatives allowing the body to heal. We can easily fight any scenario by having our controlled media deny that any alternatives exist and when a doctor does discover the truth we'll label him a quack and severely punish him financially, mentally and even physically. After all if any of this gets out we would lose our gigantic money making "research" foundations, societies and our hospitals and pharmaceutical companies would suffer. We can use many diseases in this manner to keep the healthy people donating out of fear while the ill suffer and pay for treatments waiting for a cure that will never come. This will work for cancer, Alzheimer’s, diabetes and any other horrors out there that could have easily been prevented in the first place. We can even go a little further and manufacture some new diseases to replace these when people catch on. We have one called AIDS on the drawing board now, wait till you see it, this one is really hideous and I envision profits from it that will knock your socks off.

WERSE, Do you really believe that you can fool people this way? And besides, it will take years to develop these illusions of compassion and treatment, isn't there something we can do on a short term basis and also how can we effectively test the new chemical diseases and treatments we develop?

BADD, Americans can be easily fooled because of their kindness and trusting nature. One short term idea would be to introduce a yearly flu and give it a new name each time. These people will merely prepare for a season with the new flu rather than questioning where the hell it comes from every year? Now we can sell flu shots for a nifty profit and have the opportunity to inject anything we want into their bodies. As far as testing the new stuff, I'm sure we can get Congress to pass legislation making it legal to use American population centers as our laboratories, and we can also create small wars and inject into or spray upon American soldiers whatever we want and evaluate the results. All the government has to do is deny it through our controlled media.

WERSE, Wow this is getting pretty involved and I see us losing control unless we can instill a constant fear in these people to keep them in line. First let's make them responsible for knowing all the laws and then have all government entities from the federal to local level constantly make new laws on anything and everything. The result will be a mind-boggling array of laws, ordinances, statutes and resolutions that they can't possibly understand let alone comply with. With these in place we can always find some sort of violation for those who get out of line and lock them up. I guarantee they will try to comply since they live with the fear that they can easily be put in jail. Another thing we can do is keep a large supply of mind altering illegal drugs on the street for several reasons, first of all we make big bucks from the sales and it will create more crime by those addicted making people fearful. We can use this "problem" to pass even more laws restricting their liberties. I have a vision of us being able to search their homes without warrants and take their personal property without charging them with a crime. Also let's set up systems where their own neighbors can report on them and get paid for it regardless of whether a crime exists or not. All of this should keep them nervous and on their toes. The stress generated from all this attempted compliance on their part will also benefit our medical industry.

BADD, Another element necessary to what you just said is to change the role of America's police. Right now they're peace officers and respected by the public, and as long as they are peace officers America will be peaceful so let's change them into law enforcement officers and make their jobs such that the public will fear them. Coupled with the volumes of laws that we create this respected profession will quickly change to that of a revenue producer and we can keep them busy enforcing whatever we hand down. We must nurture this friction between the people and the police in order to keep them in fear and distrust of each other. We will also create police agencies at all levels of federal state and local governments and overwhelm the public with the knowledge that damn near anyone in these agencies could put them in jail and/or take their property. Now we're getting somewhere, they not only fear criminals we also have them fearing their government, our taxman, their police, and their neighbors.

WERSE, What can we do about language so that people aren’t so precise and powerful in their speech?

BADD, That one is easy.  They are using language of the Bible and Constitution now; thought-based in “Can Not, Must Not, Will Not and Thou Shall Not.”  We slowly implement the language of socialism based in; Could Be, Would Be, Should be, giving their language a mushy basis of indecision.

WERSE, You know that we also have to take the control of their children away from them in order to insure each new generation is little more ignorant than the one before. We can form a federal education bureaucracy and then offer each state some money to comply with our programs. If we structure it right we can extract huge amounts of money from the people in the states with an impressive array of programs and taxes, then give them back a small portion of their own money for their education systems, they will not only comply with our directives, they will also thank us for fleecing them. We are now in a position to dictate curriculum and behavior. For now let’s call our new program ghouls 2000, we can always give it a subtler name later. We must eliminate any reference to the intent of America's founding fathers, we can alter most events and call it revisionist history, never teach the Constitution and make it acceptable for the teachers to dwell on trivialities but never utter the words unalienable rights. We must teach the students that it is fine to not be able to read as long as they tried to and continue to exhibit prescribed group participation skills. They must never be given a clue about the existence of individuality or self generated thoughts. We should also keep a government file on the child's "progress" but never allow the parents to see it. This task will be easier for us as time goes on and both parents have to work in order to survive after paying all of our taxes and fees. Most will be too tired and without the time to realize what we are doing to their kids. We should also give the children the right to sue their parents and teachers so that discipline will not be an option at home or in school. We must pass laws against parents educating their own children or we could lose this battle.

BADD, While we are at it we better find a way to control what is taught in churches. If Pastors, Reverends, Preachers and the like relate teachings in the Bible to our structured political control and money system, the people might wake up realize what is happening to them. I would suggest that religion become disciplined and organized in a way acceptable to us. We can offer them a tax exempt status in return for their adherence to our teaching guidelines. Any church that doesn't cooperate will be labeled as a cult by our controlled media and we will have our law enforcement officers work overtime to publicly reprimand and punish those who get out of line.

WERSE, Lets be sure we take charge of John's responsibilities and relieve him of his pride and dignity. We can start by creating many different welfare and handout programs, make it appealing and easy for him to become dependent on us, and make him believe that we are doing him a favor as he relinquishes everything he has before realizing that it's almost impossible to escape our hold. It will help maintain his servitude to us since he knows we will always be there to "help." We can rely on the emotional side of Americans to help share the upkeep for John whether or not he is capable of taking care of himself.

BADD, Here's another way to spread someone's personal responsibility around to the masses, we can create another gold laying goose and we’ll call it the Insurance Industry. It's rather simple, we get a group of good odds-makers, give them a license in exchange for a cut of the take and then let them exchange John's responsibilities for a fee based upon how well John has previously managed his responsibilities. In some cases we will even require John to sell his responsibilities to the insurance company regardless of cost or we will strip John of a personal right, which we have already fooled him into converting into a JOHN privilege.

WERSE, Here's another thought on this insurance thing. If every one has some sort of insurance for whatever they do; first of all they'll tend to act irresponsibly since the insurance company will always be there to pay and secondly we can take all of those lawyers who are unwilling to do anything constructive and make them "Personal Injury Attorneys." This will create a system where everyone who can pay an insurance premium will be worth suing for any reason that someone can dream up, and by constantly inflating attorney's fees to many more times than they are worth, it will be cheaper for everyone to settle.

BADD, I think we've done it again, another way to make every JOHN share the cost by having their premiums go up a few unnoticeable pennies every time a Personal Injury Attorney attends "lawyer day" at an insurance company claims office. Also, I think we better share this money cow with those who will go along with it in the medical profession because we'll need their help. We also should have our attorney's advertise in a compassionate and concerned manner being careful to avoid truthful phrases such as "ambulance chasing dunderhead for rent."

WERSE, I think we're getting ahead of ourselves, if we hope to pull this off we'll need some morally deficient people in public offices. My thought would be to only allow JOHN to register to vote and let John cast his ballot after being exposed to a barrage of our "national polls" telling him who we think is best and making him believe that he's voting for the right person along with the majority. We must also control the tally by not allowing any votes to be counted at precinct level, and while we're at it let's get rid of those tell-tale paper ballots. I don't think John will realize anything is wrong even though he'll have a hard time finding anyone who participated in our polls or voted for our winner. Besides that, all those who do wake up and the Johns who found out they aren't JOHNS won't vote anyway. We can put in who we want, when we want, where we want, and then everyone will think that their neighbors did it. Just for a real test of this scam, in the 1990's let's find the most morally defunct dirt-bag candidate we can and see if he becomes President.

BADD, Next big problem, guns! These Americans are armed and because of that America is very peaceful. We must change this, but very carefully because if too many Johns realize they have been duped they'll be a little bit upset. King George found out the hard way what happens when you irritate a bunch of armed Freedom Lovers. Let's start by keeping our law enforcement officers busy collecting revenue from victimless crimes by JOHN while at the same time sensationalizing violent crimes with guns where innocent people are hurt, particularly children. We'll keep poking at John's emotions by telling him that his children are in jeopardy of being killed by a gun. We can distort and even make up all kinds of statistics to reinforce our position. We'll also popularize the notion that what their Second Amendment says isn't what it means.

WERSE, Stop; you're way off on this one, we all know that guns don't kill people, people kill people, so I can't imagine anyone falling for this one. Do you expect to confiscate knives and rocks too? All the scholars I've checked with agree that "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" is in fact a complete sentence and since it wasn't written by a bunch of lawyers, it only has one meaning.

BADD, Knock off the logic crap! By the time we show up for their guns, they'll be so busy just trying to survive and so full of our media's anti-crime, anti-terrorist, anti-gun dribble that most of them will give up their weapons. Those who don’t will get rounded up and put in detention centers that we'll have ready by then anyway. When the time comes we'll have brainwashed our police and military into doing the dirty work and we can always supplement them with foreign troops.

WERSE, This concerns me, BADD. After we pick up all the guns, these people are going to realize that they're defenseless and become very angry with us.

BADD, What's your point, Werse?

WERSE, Yeah, you're right, Duh! Let's move on. A thought just hit me, since we will control the money and virtually every aspect of these peoples lives; how are we going to protect our own wealth, and the wealth we give to the elected players we choose for government offices.

BADD, Simple; after we have most of the gold and silver we'll convince them that precious metals aren't really precious and a bad hedge against our inflation. We'll gradually make land and property ownership harder and costlier via inflation and we'll convert land titles from allodial where they actually own the land to custodial and have the local Sheriff be their landlord. We'll draw more attorneys from the glut we created and give them work with title companies and sell, (are you ready for this one?) Title Insurance. Isn't it great? We charge them for paperwork equal in weight to their homes, charge them interest, which gives them nothing, and if he doesn't pay a tax on his property for the rest of his life, we'll take it away. Since John feels insecure with gold and silver and property is a big hassle, he's going to believe that accumulation of a lot of our paper notes is wealth. In the mean time we can create different types of trusts and foreign corporations, etc., put them out of the reach of our tax collectors, admiralty courts, and law enforcement personnel. And even though we use them, we'll convince John that they're not safe or legal for him.

WERSE, Great, now here's something way beyond belief. What if we could alter weather patterns? Think about it! First we create another agency, sell the idea to John that this agency will be there to help in the event of disaster. Then cause massive floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, fires, etc. When a disaster knocks one of his body parts in the dirt, he'll pledge whatever assets he has left for our low interest loans. We'll do this with a smile, but never a kiss.

BADD, We had better concentrate on ways to keep these Americans from waking up while all of our plans are being put into action because if they do they'll join together.

WERSE, We'll simply keep them stirred up and at odds with each other by constantly bringing up argumentative situations and events that they can't possibly agree on and some they won't even understand. For instance let's tell them that a hole exists in the atmosphere and the Earth is going to heat up or the air will leak out or some other scary thing, and then let them know to relax because we found the cause; It'll always be some successful companies products and of course many peoples livelihood that must to be flushed to heal the hole, then be replaced with some new something or other that will make us a zillion more bucks. We can call some animals endangered or even make up a new one, no one knows squat about owls so let's create one with spots and portray it as homeless. We can toss around abortion, animal rights, gay rights, gun control, employee rights, women's rights, welfare rights, religious rights, criminal rights, drugs, the list is endless that will drive a wedge between various groups. The bottom line is that with all the other stuff we've created the family unit will be weak, morality at an all time low and spiritual growth will be replaced with compliant organized religion - hence their intelligence level will be so foggy that they will waste their efforts fighting with each other instead of evaluating their position and noticing our evils.

BADD, While we're at it lets start separating the races in America by creating situations that will ignite hate, then we turn around and condemn those who do hate and make them appear to be the majority of each race. We can easily make it appear to be a bad thing to be proud of race and culture even though we know that's one of the things that made America strong. This can be a real hotbed of manufactured antagonism that will work daily to serve our purposes.

WERSE, O.K. we've touched on many things and there's still more to go but we haven't decided how to handle a couple of major items that made America the great country it is. America has an abundance of natural resources, a free enterprise system beyond reproach, and a manufacturing and trade industry that is phenomenal.

BADD, This too will be easy but it'll take some time. When all our regulations, laws, statutes and taxes are in place the small businessman will be squashed, then we keep coming up with scary environmental issues to slow down whatever survivors there are, for example, I'll bet our newly created spotted birdie will bring the timber industry to it's knees. And finally with our selected Congress and President we'll make radical trade agreements with countries that have an abundance of slave labor to produce that which American workers are so proud of today. They won't know what hit them until it's all gone and millions of proud people are looking for work. We simply rob them; create a chaos and frustration that they'll vent towards each other.

WERSE, If we start to see the American people catching on which I estimate to be in the early 2000’s we may need a major terrorist type disaster to sufficiently scare them into submission to congressional “Acts” and security agencies which we will create in advance of whatever disaster we choose. I envision an architectural landmark full of people be destroyed before their very eyes and then blame it on some enemy envious of their freedom and liberty. We should make it horrendous and well planned, identify the bad guys within hours to make our intelligence and policing agencies appear to be informed and useful and blame it on some obscure entity that we initially created and have the perpetrators live, perhaps, in caves on the opposite side of the world. We could name our act the Patriot or something catchy that will work on their emotions. Besides ripping liberties from the emotionally distraught citizens we can also capitalize on this disaster and their emotions and start pre-emptive wars claiming the necessity of stopping terrorism.

BADD, Good plan and we can create the new agency like our plan for starting another war in Europe around the 1940’s. We used the title of Fatherland Security for that one; let’s call this one Homeland Security.

WERSE, One problem here is going to be the magnitude of this latter disaster, which I think should center in New York and Washington D.C, is going to be explaining how such a thing could happen in America. Carrying out such a plan will take cooperation of many people, mistakes and inconsistencies are bound to happen. We will need total control of our major media and insist that they regurgitate the “official story” even though common sense, physics and eyewitnesses will undoubtedly create major holes in that story. Anyone who might come forth with questions will have to immediately be labeled as one of the terrorists. We can also use other respected media to fabricate illustrations to support our “official story.”

BADD, Right on, fortunately by then we have the American population sufficiently ignorant and I have no doubt that we can pull this off.

WERSE, American Liberty, Spirit and Freedom be Damned.



Option One is next – Do your part to control your government or,

Option Two will follow – Do nothing and have your government control you.

OPTION ONE - Two generations after Gonn Badd and Lott Werse went to hell we find their direct decedents George Badd II and Dick Werse II having another discussion. The Badd & Werse plan had been hiding in the Bushes for the past 20 years.

BADD, II – An excellent job has been done playing on the love and kindness of Americans. They are totally apathetic to our grandfather’s plans and we have control of their country, their Congress and have proven that we can do anything we want and have our court system back us up contrary to their beloved old worn out Constitution which stood in our way for so many years. Even though we were almost Gored once and came close to being Kerried away, we emerged on top with the help of a few friends, relatives, electronic voting machines, legal system and our faithful lap dog, Media.

WERSE, II – Yeah George, but we have a big time problem flaring up. Remember that pesky Representative from Texas who consistently voted against tax increases and anything unconstitutional for the past 20 years?

BADD, II – Sure, Ron Paul is the man, but while he is irritating to us with his noble and common sense approach to government he is such a minority compared to the others that our corporate world controls. Besides he is a doctor not a lawyer and is unskilled in writing convoluted laws that the people can’t understand. What about him?

WERSE, II – Well, he is running for president and basically using the Constitution as his platform. He is running as a Republican based on the founding principles of the party rather than what it really does. He speaks in facts and of all things directly answers questions asked by citizens and media and even worse he doesn’t give them official answers or what he thinks they want to hear, he tells the damn truth!

BADD, II – Don’t worry about it, keep him out of the debates, have our media crucify him, have the Republican party get rid of him and get old Stepanapolis to smirk on CNN and tell him he will never win. Besides, what could he possibly promise the American people that we don’t? We are growing this government to protect them from terrorists and themselves. We continually create new agencies to take care of, and determine how much of everything we decide they need.

WERSE, II – Apparently you aren’t paying attention George, Ron Paul isn’t promising them anything; he is offering to honor the actual intent of the Constitution which acknowledges their unalienable rights to Freedom, Liberty, personal choice and responsibility for their own lives plus the return of Free Enterprise.

BADD, II – Get a grip, Dick, the American people don’t even know what those things are let alone wanting them and besides years of our media hypnotics have taught them what to think. We have separated them and classed them by race, gender, political affiliation and geographical area and we know how they will react to our instructions, the people don’t have a clue about our control structure and already believe they live in a free country because we told them so. Besides he has no financial backing and our corporate dictators will buy him off like the rest of us.

WERSE, II – You get a grip George, he started a campaign based on ethics and a seemingly natural phenomenon of personal and inherent rights for the people. The people don’t just like this guy, they love him, and now a peaceful revolution has been sparked led by no one in particular yet joined by millions of people feeling this message. It has grown through the internet and some sort of spiritual communication that you and I have worked for years to suppress. This revolution is made up of the full spectrum of races, ages, genders, economic status, geographical location and political affiliations, the very thing we have feared for decades. They aren’t accepting our labels and definitions; they are calling themselves Americans desiring Freedom and personal responsibilities rather than our definition of Americans that we have hammered them with for years. This peaceful revolution is not managed by his campaign and it is out of our control without the violence we need to maintain our image of protectors. We must get those in this natural and responsible American image classed as terrorists and demonize them as soon as possible.

BADD, II – Pleeeeeease don’t tell me that these people have realized that while they slept we joined the male cows of this nation in producing bullshit.

WERSE, II – That’s exactly what I am telling you! Ron Paul won’t take our corporate $billions in donations and so we can’t attach any strings. He isn’t a member of any of our councils, commissions, corporations or secret handshake societies. You better sit down George, the revolution he sparked set out to finance his campaign on their own; accepting money only from the people and raised almost $19 million dollars in the 4th quarter of 2007, and get this they used November 5th as a major fund raising day as it was a little known anniversary of an event years ago. We should never have allowed some movies to reach the masses. Did you see the movie V for Vendetta?

BADD, II – Yeah, I saw it but I didn’t get it. However, the violence and sword fighting was nice.

WERSE, II – You knucklehead, it depicted the people turning against and removing an oppressive government. That November 5th raised $4.3 million for Ron Paul and then they did it again on December 16 commemorating the Boston Tea Party raising $6.5 million. You remember that event, don’t you?

BADD, II – I graduated from a highly rated government run public school just like you, and of course I know what it means, however that history needs to be revised as any tax levied by government is justified, and deserves to be collected. The people back then were way out of line just as this bunch is now.  So lighten up Dick.

WERSE, II – You are as unbelievable in private as you are in full public view. Get this through your head. The people have taken it on their own and set money raising records through donations from American citizens with only two specific strings attached and that is that Ron Paul protects their god-given rights when he becomes President and get government out of their lives where government doesn’t belong. As I said before Ron Paul will not accept money from our mega-corporations which will trigger the return of Free Enterprise, another one of our fears. They refer to their efforts as Money Bombs and Freedom Bombs.

BADD, II – Fantastic, now we’ve got them. They are revolutionaries, uttering the word bomb. Get out our U.S.A. P.A.T.R.I.O.T Act, call out the knuckle draggers, quickly build more new prisons and you may have to enlist Rent-A-Rambo from the depths of black water to assist. Lock them all up; they are a threat to our government. We also must alert the United Nations to these people infringing on our rights and we will have the whole world behind us. That Constitution is just a goddamned piece of paper.

WERSE, II – Hold on now George, The Constitution was inspired by the creator. It has not been damned by that creator or anyone else except the morally deprived. The words of the Constitution aspire to Freedom and Liberty and didn’t come from any pen, but from the hearts of mankind. The likes of you and I have even outlawed the paper it was written on; Hemp, but it doesn’t seem to matter what we do anymore.

Our school teachers are questioning our curriculum because they still have those original words of Liberty in their hearts.

Our Police and Military are questioning their orders because they have the words in their hearts.

Our federal employees and agents whom we have even called Special Agents are questioning our actions because they have those words in their hearts.

We have many Lawyers working to replace our legal system with a Justice System as outlined in these Freedom words in their hearts.

We have medical doctors, nurses, psychiatrists and all sorts of medical practitioners working to replace our big bucks disease management system with a natural healing system because of those healing words in their hearts.

We have major political party leaders questioning the intent of the candidates we choose for them because of these words in their hearts.

We have citizens actually trying to escape the welfare hold we have on them because of the Freedom words in their hearts.

We have put thousands of people in jail for verbalizing the Liberty and Justice words in their hearts and our reward has been the people calling us criminals.

We took control of elections with our ballotless voting machines but the people are now suing us state by state and exposing our fraud because of those original words in their hearts.

We raided that Liberty Dollar operation to scare people back into compliance but now we have thousands of people banding together and suing us because our fear instilling tactics couldn’t override those honorable words in their hearts and Ron Paul had the guts to introduce legislation to stop our action and cited of all things, our own laws.

Fortunately we still have our faithful lap-dog Media, but I have watched many programs, for instance “Meet the Press” where Tim Russert attempted to complete his assignment of making Ron Paul look petty, two-faced and heartless like our other chosen candidates and the people responded with distaste for Tim because they saw right through his assigned agenda. We have to make our media effective somehow, but we must be careful because when you beat even a faithful lap-dog to much, it will bite you.

In short, George, they have lifted our veil and found out that we are ugly.

BADD, II – This is very uncomfortable Dick, you now leave me in the position of choosing between two evils, I can let the people hunt me down or I can go hunting with you. I was told that we had eliminated their ability to think for themselves or at least dumbed it down with our education dept.

We have poisoned them with Fluoridation, Chlorination, Vaccination, Radiation and scared them through Intimidation.

We have instilled countless fear producing threats and legislation causing ugly dis-eases such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes and then drugged them into an obedient stupor.

Now you are telling me that they are coming after our wealth-gulping government with enthusiasm and vigor supporting the unpurchaseable Ron Paul who would allow them to be in charge of government?

Where did we fail?

WERSE, II – It appears that our estimation of a mindless population was way off.

We went too far and what we thought was compliance by them was actually tolerance and now we find out the giant was sleeping with one eye open.

We seriously underestimated our success at stripping away their morals, liberties natural health/nutrition and ability to Love.

We have been trumped by the creator and Ron Paul too has survived our barrage of control techniques and emerged willing to work for their well being.

I have to say that I don’t understand this natural phenomenon but it does scare me because I will be destined to return to the same place from which I came. I do realize though, that the power I thought we had was only our perception.

These truly Patriotic people aren’t just getting off the fence the are jumping over it!

The people do not like what we stand for because it is unnatural. They support Ron Paul because he is truly the opposite of us.

BADD, II – This is very uncomfortable, but I am still in charge here and can create another disaster, declare Martial Law, become a dictator openly and eliminate the possibility of an honest election and this Freedom thing going on.

WERSE, II – Bad move George, take a serious look at reality. These people can see right through your every maneuver to maintain control and they are fed up. Look at the internet polls country by country and you will realize that the whole world supports Ron Paul or anyone speaking against an out of control American government. They too, are tired of our intrusion into their lives, cultures and countries with our perverted concept of liberty. You don’t understand that they want to be left alone to be themselves, or again in reality, not like us and what we re-present to them.

If you make such a stupid attempt at open dictatorship, the people will not stand for it nor will our police forces back us up. You see, the majority of them have hearts and minds the same as the people and realize that our promise of more compensation is empty since we won’t be around to sign their checks.

Being of the same darkness that you are, I would rather sneak out peaceably than piss them off like that other George did by calling them stupid and continuing enforcement of naturally unenforceable laws.

I would suggest that we inform our media that this is a natural phenomenon led by informed and logical Americans supporting an honest and caring candidate named Ron Paul and not some radical new idea dreamed up by their labeled “fringe element.” It is only fair since their survival now depends on a sponsoring dictatorship of large people-eating corporations that will also become extinct when the revolution finalizes its natural goal.

BADD, II – I hate reality, but the rock and hard place scenario has kicked in. What about the world elitists who give us our orders and are now telling us to stop a Tsunami of Freedom Lovers with nothing but faulty legislation, lies and deception? I hear the spirit of those irritating Founding Fathers cheering the masses on! We can’t eliminate Ron Paul now like we usually do with dissenters because the Freedom phenomenon would only mushroom on us. He has a security force surrounding him like nothing we could have ever envisioned; Love and the People! It is up to the people now!


OPTION TWO  - One generation after BADD II and WERSE II went to hell, we enter one of America's fenced off human resource areas and find two more people secretly talking. Resource Unit No. 57, a female worker unit and Resource Unit No. 92, a male entertainment unit.


UNIT 57: I know this isn't supposed to happen, but I've grown to trust you 92 and I have some distressing information that I must discuss. I know it's against the law to talk about these things and especially bad to display any morals but I want you to promise to keep a secret until we can decide what to do.

UNIT 92: You're acting very strange, but O.K. I'll keep your secret what have you done that is so awful?

UNIT 57: This is really difficult to admit but I've learned to read.

UNIT 92: Oh No! How did it happen and does anyone else know?

UNIT 57: You're the only one who knows and it all started when one of those dreadful patriot units from the twentieth century managed to sneak in and deliver several boxes of information from someone he said was my grandfather, whatever that is, and suggested that I start looking this stuff over. There were some weird old books from a time when school was for everyone and they have taught me to read and realize what these people had before they screwed it up and what they could have done to keep it for us. By the way, did you know that an entertainment unit used to be a piece of furniture?

UNIT 92: Very funny 57, I think you've gone off the deep end, look at what we have now. Our leader, Master 666 gives us a space to live in, food, medical treatments and all the TV we want. All we have to do is perform our assigned jobs.

UNIT 57: Well 92, it just became obvious to me that you are a piece of furniture. Back in the 1900's the people could read, they didn't. They had free speech, they kept quiet. They had unalienable rights, they gave them up. They could choose partners, they didn't cherish. They could have their own children, they didn't teach. They could travel freely, they traded for control. They could learn from a ministry, they joined a controlled church. They had thousands of people warning them with the truth, they ignored them. They could vote, they didn't. They could be healthy, they went to Burger Wizard. They had a Constitution, they trashed it. They had wealth, they didn't protect it. They could change things, they waited for the other guy. They had guns, they laid them down. They had TV, they watched it.

UNIT 92: ZZzzzzzzzz!

UNIT 57: Nothing's changed!




Copyright in Common Law 2007 AKM

Dennis Grover
Ascended Knowledge Ministries
2790 Wrondel Way, Unit 41
Reno, Nevada [89502]