
By Lee Parker

Several weeks ago I was speaking with my son about the greatness of America. After the conversation I realized that I had not fully expressed myself and wrote him a letter in which I expanded on my belief in America and its greatness.

In this letter I asked the question, "What is America?"

My response: "Is America a set of principles which say, in part, that we are endowed by our Creator with the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution for the United States are among the greatest documents ever written to ensure freedom. These documents create a framework which gives the PEOPLE protection from a government gone wild.

Is America the government? I pray that it isn't; this country has more political prisoners - people sitting in jail because they do not agree with the government - than any other country on earth. What does it mean when a people are afraid of the government that has sworn to protect them? Virtually everyone I speak with has some fear connected with the government and its police force. Is this America, the land of the free?

Why is it that people who believe in the Constitution are coming under attack by the government and the media? Why is it that people who want smaller governmental influence in their daily lives and are willing to speak up about it are being incarcerated? Why is it that suddenly our local police forces are being "federalized?" WHAT DOES THE GOVERNMENT HAVE TO FEAR FROM THE PEOPLE if the government is really addressing the will of the people? ARE WE A COUNTRY OF THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE AND BY THE PEOPLE? Or are we a country of the government, for the government and by the government? We each have to choose!

Is America the people? I have had the opportunity to get to know Americans from coast to coast. The question remains in my mind, "How do we protect the people?" Do we protect the people by taking their guns away from them? Do we protect the people by forcing them to turn over their hard-earned money to a private international banking cartel and a government not willing to live within its means? Do we protect the people by making it necessary for mothers to work, not because they want to, but because they have to in order to make ends meet?

The people ARE America. The people do not want this huge government which is bankrupting them!! They are being bankrupted of their families, their joy, their future.

And what is going to be left for our children? More regulation? More taxation? Larger government programs which benefit those who do not work? Government does not care about the people. Big government is big business!!

I believe in America. I believe in the people. I believe in the Constitution for the united states of America and I believe in freedom. A country cannot have freedom with one hand while it is being enslaved with the other. Make no mistake, most people in this country are enslaved and are not even aware of it.

Am I radical? I don't think so. I am an American speaking the truth as I see it. I am speaking out against a government that is more interested in bankers than people. I am speaking out against the subversion of freedom in the form of unrelenting government invasion into the daily affairs of law-abiding Americans; we have been lied to and cheated out of our heritage of liberty.

Are my words treasonous? OR is the traitor the person who swears to uphold the Constitution and goes about violating it? What should the American people to do about those who violate their rights? Are we to pretend it doesn't matter? To do nothing is to allow the traitors to take over, and that will cost us our country. Or should we emulate our Founding Fathers and resist all efforts to subjugate us?

Truth is the foundation of strength. NOW IS THE TIME FOR US TO SPEAK THE TRUTH. NOW IS THE TIME FOR US TO EXPOSE THE REAL TRAITORS TO AMERICA. NOW IS THE TIME FOR US TO BE STRONG AND LET THE VOICE OF FREEDOM SHINE THE LIGHT OF LIBERTY AND EXPOSE THE DARKNESS OF TYRANNY. Join me: just speak about freedom to at least one other person today. Together we can change the world. United we will restore constitutional rule, freedom and liberty to America.