Fox News and Iowa GOP accused of censoring Ron Paul!
November 8, 2007 - The same day that Ron Paul made presidential fund raising history, the Iowa GOP announced that its December 4th Republican Debate in Des Moines Iowa to be aired by Fox News, would only include candidates polling at least 5% in presidential polls.
The move by the Iowa GOP and Fox News to exclude candidates based on polls at this early stage of the presidential race has outraged Ron Paul supporters and may provoke a large demonstration at the site of the debate. Paul supporters feel the move is a deliberate attempt to censor Ron Paul from the debate.
Messages of outrage have been posted on websites and are spreading by email about the debate.
At the current pace of fund raising it is possible that Ron Paul may end up with more cash on hand at the end of the quarter than any of the other candidates running in the Republican primary.
The accuracy and legitimacy of presidential polls has become increasingly scrutinized, especially after Ron Paul’s recent display of fund raising strength raising a record 4.2 million from 36,000 donors in a day. Ron Paul also consistently draws large crowds at his events yet does not register high in polls.
According to Google Trends, Ron Paul’s name is actually searched more than Fox News is now. That may be an indicator of a recent surge in Paul's popularity.
There is a growing concern among Paul supporters that corporate media outlets are attempting to manipulate the presidential election.