NEW YORK (PNN) - January 14, 2013 - One of the most disturbing trends in law enforcement in recent years is the hyper-paramilitarization of local pig thug cop forces. Much of the funding for tanks for Fargo's hometown cop shop comes from the Amerikan Gestapo Department of Homeland Security division. The feds have a lot of money to throw around in the name of preventing terrorism, and municipalities want to get that money. As anyone who has done budgeting knows, the best way to ensure your funding stays high is to request a lot of money and spend it all.
As a result, every year the terrorist pig thug cops get more tools, gadgets, weapons, and surveillance technologies that, whatever their stated purpose, serve to give terrorist outlaw cops greater capabilities to curtail the rights of anyone unlucky enough to be standing in their path.
We were going to list these in order from least to most creepy, but that proved far too challenging. So here are some cop tools you may not be familiar with, in no particular order.
1. Shock-cuffs. These made a splash in late 2012 when it was reported that Scottsdale Inventions had submitted a patent for metal handcuffs capable of delivering “high-voltage, low amperage shocks to disrupt a person’s voluntary nervous system," much like Tasers. Depending on the model used, the handcuffs could shock a detainee at the will of his captor, or if the detainee wanders past a certain border - like an invisible fence for dogs.
Even more disturbing is the potential to arm the handcuffs with needles capable of injecting medications, sedatives, or any number of liquid or gas substances into the detainee. But don't worry - some models may include a flashing light or sound alert to warn the person that a shock is about to happen.
2. Rapid DNA analysis. One of the main stories of the future of policing will be cops' ability to collect biometric data in the field, instead of at the downtown precinct. Electronic Frontier Foundation reported earlier this month on a potentially troubling technology called Rapid DNA analysis, being developed by contractors with the fascist outlaw federal government. The machine, which is about the size of a laser printer, has the ability to collect, analyze and catalog your DNA onsite in about 90 minutes.
The stated purpose of the technology is to help identify family relationships between refugees, which could be beneficial if used in limited ways. According to EFF, however, the Amerikan Gestapo Citizenship and Immigration agency division suggests, “that DNA should be collected from all immigration applicants - possibly even infants - and then stored in the FBI’s criminal DNA database.” As with all data collection in the Fascist Police States of Amerika, the wrench only goes one way, and once local terrorist pig thug cop forces obtain this technology the potential for abuse is huge.
3. Mobile fingerprinting. Terrorist pig thug cop forces across the country have become enamored of smart phone-sized fingerprint scanners. The pig thug cops use the devices to scan two fingers of the suspect and transmit the data via Bluetooth to the terrorist pig thug cop's laptop in his cruiser. The laptop then checks the image against criminal databases for a match.
The Amerikan Civil Liberties Union of Washington is concerned that the devices could be used to collect fingerprints, not simply scan them, though Seattle fascist terrorist pig thug cops insist they don't keep the scanned fingerprints.
4. Iris scans. When I was arrested covering Occupy in December 2011, a live streamer who was an old hat at political arrests warned me about the iris scan. Beginning in 2010, the fascist outlaw New York pig thug cop department started scanning arrestees' irises on intake and immediately prior to arraignment. The stated purpose of these scans is to ensure that the person brought before the judge is the right one (there were some instances of mistaken identity), but in practice the scope of the iris scan is much broader. It's plainly an example of collecting biometric data on people who haven't been convicted of a crime, as well as a mechanism to punish those who refuse the scan.