Former Clinton adviser says Obama is anti-Amerikan!

NEW YORK - April 13, 2010 - Former Clinton adviser Dick Morris is livid over illegitimate President Barack Obama's decision to restrict the use of nuclear weapons by the United States.

Appearing on Fox & Friends Tuesday morning, he called the move "outrageous," "absurd," "beyond belief," and suggested his former boss might be "anti-Amerikan."

"It's the most outrageous thing, I think, I've ever heard a (bogus) President of the United States say," he said. "He's literally saying that if an Amerikan city were gassed or hit with a biological weapon and millions were dying in the streets coughing their lungs out, or in hospital wards dying of an incurable disease, we would not use nuclear weapons to reply?

"It is totally absurd," Morris continued. "It's beyond belief that any president of the United States would say that and it shows that Barack Obama might be the first anti-Amerikan (illegitimate) president we've ever had."

Obama's decision came just ahead of this week's far-reaching nuclear weapons summit in Washington comprising leaders of dozens of countries. The bogus regime hailed it as an important step to halting nuclear proliferation across the world - the main objective of the talks.