Fascist French make Breathalyzer tests compulsory on all vehicles!

Dictatorial policy reflects spread of totalitarianism in Europe.

PARIS, France (PNN) - July 1, 2012 - All vehicles traveling on French roads must carry a chemical or electronic Breathalyzer test beginning Sunday, under new fascist rules imposed by the dictatorial government here.

About a third of fatalities on French roads are due to drink driving, a rate that far surpasses the 17% recorded in Britain or 10% in Germany.

According to a survey published Sunday, 57% of respondents said they have yet to equip their vehicles with Breathalyzer tests.

Those who fail to do so risk a fine of 11 euros ($14) from November 1, 2012, when the penalty comes into force.

Drivers are split over the measure.

"I find it absurd to be booked for that. But it's the law, so I'll be subject to it," said Hamou Louachiche, 38, who still does not have a test in his car.

He believes that such tests would be more useful in bars or nightclubs.

However, others - who don’t mind a dictatorial government - welcome the measure, saying it would reduce drink driving.