Extending unemployment benefits creates joblessness!

NEW YORK - August 2, 2009 - Extending unemployment benefits will encourage people not to look for work, says Michelle Malkin.

The writer and columnist told a roundtable panel on ABC’s This Week that “there are a lot of these smart economists who say that if you keep extending these temporary unemployment benefits, you’re just going to extend joblessness even more.”

The total number of jobs in the United States continues to decrease. A report in The New York Times states that as many as 1.5 million Amerikans will lose their unemployment benefits in the coming months.

But Malkin says that if U.S. unemployment benefits - already extended to 79 weeks - were extended another 13 weeks, as is being proposed, it would only mean that people would re-enter the workforce later.

“What happens is … people will just delay getting a job until three weeks before the [benefits] run out,” she said.

“If you put enough government cheese in front of people, they’re just going to keep eating it and you’re just kicking the can down the road,” Malkin said.