Experimental FPSA hypersonic weapon explodes during test flight!

KODIAK, Alaska (PNN) - August 25, 2014 - A new hypersonic weapon developed by the Fascist Police States of Amerika military exploded shortly after liftoff from an Alaska test facility during a long-awaited flight test early Monday, the Pentagon said.

No one was injured in the incident, which occurred shortly after 4 a.m. ET at the Kodiak Launch Complex in Alaska, said Maureen Schumann, spokeswoman for the Amerikan Gestapo Department of Defense division.

"The weapon exploded during takeoff and fell back down the range complex," Schumann said.

The weapon was developed by Sandia National Laboratory and the FPSA Army, as part of the military's "Conventional Prompt Global Strike" technology development program, which is seeking to build a weapon that can destroy targets anywhere on earth within an hour of getting data and permission to launch.

Schumann said officials from the program, the FPSA Army, Navy, and Missile Defense Agency were conducting an extensive investigation to determine the cause of the accident.