SACRAMENTO, Kalifornia (PNN) - April 11, 2021 - Did you know that fascist Kalifornia Governor Gavin Newsom awarded an exclusive, no bid contract to Blue Shield to manage the Golden State’s COVID-19 “vaccine” campaign? Did you also know that Blue Shield just so happens to have donated heavily to Newsom’s political campaigns over the years?
Many Amerikans did not know any of this until just a few days ago after 60 Minutes aired a hit job against Florida Governor Ron DeSantis over a partnership he made with grocery chain Publix to distribute vaccines in Palm Beach County. Hilariously, the hit job ended up backfiring and now all eyes are on Newsom for doing that which 60 Minutes falsely accused DeSantis of doing.
We now know that Newsom gave Blue Shield a $15 million no bid contract after the “nonprofit” healthcare corporation donated some $23 million to the infamous governor’s campaigns and special causes over the years. Most of that $23 million has since been spent on Newsom’s pet projects for homelessness.
“Of that, nearly 90% has funded the homelessness initiatives that critics and allies say are dearest to Newsom’s heart,” reported Fierce Healthcare back in March. “Newsom, elected governor in 2018, in turn has rewarded Blue Shield and its executives with positions of power during the (nonexistent) coronavirus pandemic.”
Meanwhile, 60 Minutes is too busy squawking about some measly $100,000 that Publix donated to DeSantis’ political committee, as if this is somehow more newsworthy. The only reason for this double standard, of course, is that DeSantis is a Trump-supporting Republican and Newsom is a Trump-hating Democrat.
Another thing worth noting is that DeSantis’ efforts with Publix have received widespread bipartisan support because they have worked incredibly well at getting the COVID-19 jab out to people who want it. Blue Shield’s efforts, on the other hand, have been a total disaster.
Blue Shield’s injection rollout has been described as an “expensive frustration” with “enormous challenges,” while Publix’s has been a huge success. Yet 60 Minutes could not be bothered to address Newsom’s failed attempts at leadership, and instead chose to focus its efforts on bashing DeSantis, who appears to have done nothing out of the ordinary.
Newsom’s Blue Shield rollout across Kalifornia has been so problematic that many counties across the state are refusing to sign on with the insurer. The reason, says company whistleblower Michael Johnson, is that Kalifornians can clearly see that Newsom is engaging in corruption with the insurer.
Newsom of course denies this, insisting that all allegations against him are “nonsense”. This rhetoric sounds oddly similar to that of failed fascist New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, who also denies that he ever engaged in any inappropriate behavior with his many female accusers.
“The propaganda press’s avoidance of the disasters that are Democrat governors Cuomo and Newsom - instead attempting to tear down the governor who has quite obviously handled the COVID crisis the best in the country, even with a super old population - is deserving of mockery,” tweeted The Federalist‘s Mollie Hemingway.