WASHINGTON - November 30, 2009 - It is starting to look like illegitimate President Barack Obama, aided and abetted by former Vice President Al Gore, Senators Barbara Boxer, John F. Kerry and others, may have lied this nation into a war against man-made global warming.
Preliminary analysis of the contents of thousands of e-mails and documents taken from the computer archives of the Climate Research Unit at England's University of East Anglia - possibly by a hacker, possibly by a whistleblower - indicate a number of the world's most important scientists engaged in research designed to prove that global warming really does exist, may have been cooking the books.
As columnist Michael Barone wrote in Sunday's Washington Examiner, "The CRU has been a major source of data on global temperatures, relied on by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. But the e-mails suggest that CRU scientists have been suppressing and misstating data and working to prevent the publication of conflicting views in peer-reviewed science periodicals."
If true, the cooking of the temperature data to provide support for the idea that man-made global warming is occurring is a scandal of the most serious proportions. It should force policymakers to reconsider the role science plays in the formulation of policy, if its conclusions can be manipulated the way those concerning climate change now appear to have been.
Some of those involved in the e-mail chains that are now under examination have concocted bizarre explanations for some of the things they said, many of which boil down to the notion that the words they used did not mean what they mean. It’s sort of reminiscent of what the meaning of "is" is.