LONDON, England - June 27, 2011 - Rumors are rife that the deutsche mark may be re-introduced in Germany and the euro shelved as the country's official currency.
There is speculation that deutsche mark bank notes are being printed again in preparation for ditching the euro. It's said that Germany's Central bank, Bundesbank, has been ordered to print marks as part of contingency plans to leave Europe's single currency, the Daily Express reported.
Since its introduction in 1999, the euro has had a tough time trying to win over a skeptical German public, who saw the mark - one of the world's most stable currencies - as a symbol of post-World War II prosperity, second only to the U.S. dollar as the reserve option for investors.
In fact, according to a survey, almost three-quarters of Germans now doubt that the euro has a future. They also believe rescue attempts are futile as billions more euros will be paid to bailout Greece, which is almost bankrupt.
The poll by German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine found 71% of respondents had "doubt", "no trust" or thought there is "no future" for the euro. Only 19% of respondents expressed "confidence" in it. Sixty eight percent said they did not think the emergency bailout of Greece would work.