NEW YORK (PNN) - May 23, 2012 - It has been revealed that DC Comics plans to reintroduce a character as homosexual in a future issue.
Co-publisher Dan DiDio previously said that the company would not change the sexual orientation of an existing superhero but rather would bring in a new one altogether.
But at Kapow Comic Convention in London on Sunday, he revealed that an existing character - one who was previously assumed to be straight - would become “one of our most prominent (homosexual) characters”, according to comic blog
Who is it? An existing DC Comics character who was previously assumed to be straight will become openly homosexual.
Senior VP of Sales Bob Wayne said DiDio’s view “had evolved”, comparing the shift to Barack Obama’s recent endorsement of homosexual marriage.
DiDio did not specify which character would “come out” or in which issue he or she would be featured.