PRAGUE, Czech Republic - May 28, 2008 - Czech President Vaclav Klaus, a global warming skeptic, is ready and willing to debate Al Gore on the issue of the global warming scam. To date, Al Gore has refused to respond to this challenge. It is nothing out of the ordinary for Al Gore to avoid debating the "facts" of climate change; he has been challenged before and refuses to do so.
Surely a politician cannot be afraid of debating, unless he knows that he is full of shit and is afraid to expose himself. After all, we have recently learned that he used fictional scenes from the movie The Day After Tomorrow in his documentary and claimed they were further signs of man-made global warming. Perhaps this is why he is unwilling to debate.
Klaus is promoting his own book entitled Blue Planet in Green Shackles - What Is Endangered: Climate or Freedom? What a great title, and it underscores the exact point that I have been making here for over a year. That point is that global warming is a scam designed to take our money and our freedoms in the guise of saving the planet. And it just so happens that it has made Al Gore, the father of the movement, rich as well.
Vaclav Klaus makes no bones about what he thinks the answer to the question in his book title is when he says, "My answer is that it is our freedom and, I might add, our prosperity (that are endangered)." Isn't that the truth?
He goes on to compare the global warming movement to communism, something about which he knows a lot:
- Klaus, an economist, said he opposed the "climate alarmism" perpetuated by environmentalism trying to impose their ideals, comparing it to the decades of communist rule he experienced growing up in Soviet-dominated Czechoslovakia. "Like their (communist) predecessors, they will be certain that they have the right to sacrifice man and his freedom to make their idea reality," he said.
- "In the past, it was in the name of the Marxists or of the proletariat - this time, in the name of the planet," he added.
These are some of the most scathing remarks that I have seen in this debate, (even if Al Gore refuses to participate), and it feels good to finally hear somebody stand up and make these accusations.
He goes on to make the point that the scientists, environmentalists, and meteorologists who tout this issue all have a financial stake in promoting it.
- "It could be even true that we are now at a stage where mere facts, reason and truths are powerless in the face of the global warming propaganda," he said.
- Klaus alleged that global warming was being championed by scientists and environmentalists whose careers and funding require selling the public on global warming.
- "It is in the hands of climatologists and other related scientists who are highly motivated to look in only one direction," said Klaus.
Klaus is out there challenging Al Gore, yet Al Gore remains silent. If Al Gore really wanted to champion his "cause" shouldn't he take the stage and make his case to the whole world? I think so, but he is afraid because he knows the truth, he knows he will be exposed as a fraud and he is unwilling to stand up for that in which he wants us to believe.