Criminal graft and stimulus racketeering covered up by government!

WASHINGTON (PNN) - November 18, 2009 - The government web site Recovery.gov is eliminating listings that showed hundreds of millions of stimulus dollars were spent in nonexistent congressional districts, the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board said Wednesday.

The errors, first reported by ABC News, were seen on Recovery.gov summary pages breaking down how many stimulus dollars were received in each state's congressional districts.

Arizona's page, for example, showed the state's 52nd, 15th and 86th congressional districts received hundreds of thousands of dollars in stimulus money, according to CNN affiliate KNXV. However, no such districts exist in Arizona, which has only eight congressional districts.

A report released Wednesday by the Franklin Center for Government & Public Integrity said it found such errors on pages for all 50 states, four territories and Washington, D.C. More than $6.4 billion in stimulus funds was shown as being spent - and more than 28,420 jobs saved or created - in 440 false districts, it said.

Ed. Note: So the criminal government has removed the evidence that money it stole from the Amerikan people was taken by graft and racketeering. That doesn’t mean the money has been or ever will be recovered. It just means the evidence of the crime has been removed from public scrutiny. When is enough, enough? Revolution Now! Independence Forever!