Congressman says Michelle Obama has a large posterior!

WASHINGTON - December 22, 2011 - Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (Wisc.), known for his cantankerous ways and for not speaking to media unless it’s his idea, was overheard at the Delta Crown lounge at Reagan National Airport today talking on his cellphone about an incident he said occurred three weeks ago while at an Episcopal church auction.

The source of the information, a Democrat operative who heard the whole thing, said Sensenbrenner was “very loud”.

Sensenbrenner was overheard saying that after buying all their “crap” (his word) a woman approached him and praised first lady Michelle Obama. He told the woman that Michelle should practice what she preaches - “she lectures us on eating right while she has a large posterior herself.”

Hold the phone! Did the congressman just say Michelle Obama has a FAT ASS?

The operative said it sounded like he was on the phone with a staffer who was telling him that someone in media would likely write about his comments, to which he said it was hearsay and just liberal media bias to print gossip.  But “he stands by his remarks.”