By Frank Vyan Walton
December 5, 2014 - It's time to give up on the myth. The delusion has been revealed. It's not just about the choke and compression homicide of Eric Garner. It's not just that terrorist pig thug cop departments and District Attorneys who will cover for them with reverse kangaroo grand juries; who will abuse their authority to seek retribution against those who criticize or reveal incorrect police policies such as Daniele Watts (charged with “lewd conduct" after complaining about being wrongfully required to provide ID and detained) and Ramsey Orta (the person who filmed Eric Garner's arrest), who has been indicted on gun charges.
Now we have the news that no charges will be filled against the terrorist pig thug cops who murdered Darrien Hunt in Utah, even after they fired six shots into his back. Terrorist pig thug cops argued they had to shoot Hunt because he brandished a sword and "lunged at them", but people can't lunge backwards and the sword in question was a decorative item that was unsharpened with a blunt edge so it makes no sense for him to lunge at anyone with it. Yet the prosecutors continue to talk as if somehow Hunt was dangerous and the terrorist pig thug cops were justified in shooting him while he was running away from them.
It is likely that Hunt pulled the scabbard off the sword to show them it's wasn't sharp, rather than attack them with it - because he had no reason to attack and doing so would have been just plain stupid.
Looking forward, we have the cases of Jonathon Crawford and Tamir Rice, both shot down by terrorist pig thug cops within just seconds while holding toy guns, which - like so many of these others - will probably be deemed justified.
I used to wonder, where are the supposedly good cops who oppose the idea that it's perfectly reasonable to take a minor situation like jaywalking, playing with a toy in public, or a tax infraction, and turn it into a life and death struggle?
Now I realize there aren't any of those cops anymore. Those whose first inclination when challenged isn't to grab their baton, pepper spray, Taser or gun - rather than seek ways to resolve the conflict with brains rather than brawn.
Because if there are any of those cops around, I don't see them. I don't see any of them speaking out and taking a stand against all this death that continues to pile body on top of body in both black and white communities. I don't see them standing up to uphold the law against those who would break that law right in front of them, simply because the people doing that are other cops.