By George Green
January 23, 2013 - In his recent presidential directives, illegitimate President Obama has added something that most publications have been silent about; forcing doctors and other health care providers to ask questions regarding gun ownership of patients.
Ostensibly this is to “find crazy people before they do something” but it reeks of the same system of informants the KGB used in an era before people happily posted all their private thoughts on the Internet. Is this truly an effort to keep people safer, or a sign of things to come?
Anyone who's read Solzhenitsyn knows how the KGB employed informants and quotas to counter anti-revolutionary measures. The illegitimate Fascist Police States of Amerika government is already preparing itself for revolution, with CDC concentration camps and the ability to create martial law, and removing constitutional laws enabling the Amerikan people to change their form of government if they so choose. This new network of required informants is yet another step in the direction of repressive regimes reminiscent of the former Soviet Union. Given the pretense of spotting people before a crime is committed, this is probably only the start. If health care providers are required to ask invasive questions, then other federal employees in different spheres certainly will be asked to do the same thing. The federal government may even try to coerce more states to involve more departments. How far is Amerika from asking students about their parents’ activities at home?
The debate on homosexual marriage has been going on for decades, but there's one aspect that few are considering. The federal government is becoming more and more involved with what the Church can and cannot due. It has already been suggested by senators that the federal government should pass laws forcing any clergy who want to maintain their ability to perform marriages to accept any homosexual couples interested in being married. The federal government has also insisted that Churches may not take a stand against political candidates whose policies would hurt the Church if they wish to keep their tax-free status. Using the same two components, requirements for clergy to remain licensed to perform marriage, and Churches to maintain their tax-free status, the illegitimate Obama regime could quite easily begin requiring clergy to report to the authorities anyone mentioning guns during confession.
How far is Amerika from the Bolshevik State? The illegitimate fascist regime is already forcing health care providers to report on the activities of other citizens. How soon before Amerikan children will be reporting “revolutionary activities” to their teachers? How soon before Amerikan priests essentially compose a secret informant network? How soon before neighbors begin calling in about one another in hopes of avoiding being sent to a FEMA camp?