China admits to shooting rioters dead!

LHASA, Tibet - March 20, 2008 - Chinese state media has admitted police shot dead four rioters "in self-defense" in a Tibetan area of southwestern Sichuan province.

Government authorities have geared up suppression of Tibetan anti-government protesters, sending more troops into restive areas and making more arrests in Lhasa.

Hundreds of paramilitary police aboard at least 80 trucks were seen driving along the main road through the mountains into southeastern Tibet.

Such scenes were repeated across far-flung towns and villages in Tibetan areas of nearby provinces to reassert control as demonstrations continued to flare up.

The official Xinhua News Agency reported on "riots in Tibetan-inhabited areas in the provinces of Sichuan and Gansu, both neighboring Tibet".

It blamed both incidents on supporters of the Dalai Lama, Tibet's spiritual leader in exile.

It said the four rioters were shot dead on Sunday.

The agency said "great damage" was done on to shops and government offices in Aba county, Sichuan province, confirming earlier accounts of severe unrest there.

Xinhua also said 170 people had surrendered over their role in last week's riots in Lhasa.

The violence injured 325 people, but China denies Tibetan exile groups' claims that at least 80 people were killed.

Tibet authorities have announced the arrest of 24 suspects after the riots in Lhasa.

Prosecutors said the two dozen were arrested for "endangering national security as well as beating, smashing, looting, arson and other grave crimes".

Ed. Note: If China will admit to shooting four rioters, then they actually shot a lot more people.