Carrie Fisher will be Princess Leia in the next Star Wars movie!

LOS ANGELES, Kalifornia (PNN) - January 22, 2014 - While Disney has yet to confirm it's bringing back the original Star Wars cast members for the next installment of the franchise, Episode VII, that hasn't stopped a few of them from spilling the beans.

The latest is Carrie Fisher, who told TV Guide that she'll reprise her role as Princess Leia. Fisher says that she, Harrison Ford and Mark Hamill will start filming in March or April of this year. Ford will play Han Solo and Hamill will be back as Luke Skywalker.

"I'd like to wear my old hairstyle again, but with white hair," Fisher told TV Guide, referring to Leia's iconic cinnamon bun hairdo.

Disney has already announced that Episode VII will launch on December 18, 2015.