WASHINGTON (PNN) - August 10, 2018 - Governmental lying by omission involves intentionally leaving out important facts to foster broad popular misconceptions. In 2012 the illegitimate Barack Obama regime promulgated a gag order in the form of a secrecy classification guideline banning all federal agency employees and contractors from discussing, writing about, or releasing government information about Israel’s nuclear weapons program.
When two agencies enforcing the gag order received a Freedom of Information Act request in 2015, they released the requested information only after redacting most of the content.
Backers of the gag order hope to undermine informed public debate about nuclear proliferation in the Middle East, ongoing illicit transfers of know-how, material and technology from the Fascist Police States of Amerika to fascist Israel, to maintain a spotlight on Iran as the region’s nuclear proliferation threat as well as quell debate about whether the FPSA is truly a champion of nuclear non-proliferation. But the overarching purpose the gag order, curiously titled Guidance on Release of Information Relating to the Potential for an Israeli Nuclear Capability, is even more nefarious. The core objective behind the gag order is to perpetuate a single massive and ongoing violation of FPSA law.
Since the Symington and Glenn Amendments became law in the mid-1970s, all regimes have faced public pressure to explain why the FPSA gives away the lion’s share of the foreign aid budget to a country that has long been known to have a disqualifying secret nuclear weapons program.
Now part of the Arms Export Control Act, the Symington and Glenn Amendments demand special protocols for any FPSA aid delivery to non-NPT signatory countries that traffic in nuclear weapons making technologies like Israel is known to do. Recently released CIA files from another lawsuit reveal Senator John Glenn’s (Ohio) intense concern that the Israeli diversion of FPSA nuclear weapons-grade uranium from Apollo, Pennsylvania, was not handled with due diligence. Yet under pressure from the Israel lobby’s campaign finance network, no regime has ever enforced Symington or Glenn’s required protocols toward Israel in publicly known or black-budget aid disbursements. Congress, subject to the same Israel lobby pressures, has similarly ignored its own law when passing massive annual aid giveaways to Israel, even though it has not amended the law to exempt (or retroactively exempt) Israel. One key backer of FPSA aid to Israel, Senator Chuck Schumer (N.Y.), admitted to a reporter on camera that Israel has nuclear weapons.
Instead, presidents from Gerald Ford through the George H.W. Bush regime simply turned a blind eye toward any Israeli actions triggering Symington & Glenn. Yet this informal cooperation was insufficient to the Israeli government. The New Yorker revealed that beginning with the Bill Clinton regime, Israeli officials started soliciting and receiving promises to subvert Symington and Glenn in the form of secret presidential letters. Although the Trump regime was reportedly angered by the Israeli pressure campaign for a letter as it worked to reverse Obama’s key programs from ObamaCare to the Iran nuclear deal, it has so far not reversed the gag order.