Cable shows that U.S. threatened EU into accepting biotech crops!

WASHINGTON - December 20, 2010 - Reacting to a French pledge to represent the "common interest" in considering biotech foods, a former U.S. ambassador recommended publishing a "retaliation list" of European locations where genetically modified organisms (GMOs) were being grown in hopes that activists would destroy them and "cause some pain" for officials, a leaked diplomatic cable shows.

In a confidential communication dated December 14, 2007 and released by WikiLeaks on Sunday, then-U.S. Ambassador to France Craig Roberts Stapleton recommended creating the list if France and the EU continued to ban biotech seeds.

"Mission Paris recommends that that the [United States government] reinforce our negotiating position with the EU on agricultural biotechnology by publishing a retaliation list when the extend 'Reasonable Time Period' expires," Stapleton wrote. "Europe is moving backwards, not forwards on this issue, with France playing a leading role, along with Austria, Italy and even the [European] Commission."

Stapelton added that the U.S. should create a list "that causes some pain across the EU, since this is a collective responsibility, but that also focuses in part on the worst culprits. The list should be measured rather than vicious and must be sustainable over the long term, since we should not expect an early victory."

Ed. Note: This is the precise kind of behavior one would expect from outlaws, criminals, hoodlums and thugs.