Body scanner makers doubled lobbying cash over 5 years!

WASHINGTON - November 23, 2010 - Multimillion dollar government contracts don't just happen. Ask the companies with the big government contracts to supply Body-scanning machines to U.S. airports how much more they had to spend on lobbying on Capitol Hill. Not only have they increased their lobbying efforts over the last 5 years, they're doing it with some very familiar names.

USA Today reports that the companies with the biggest government contracts for body-scanners doubled their lobbying cash over the last five years and advanced their agenda with lobbyists Linda Daschle, a former FAA official and wife of former Senate majority leader Tom Daschle, and former Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff.

L-3 Communications, and lobbyist Linda Daschle, "reported lobbying on nearly two dozen bills, ranging from homeland security appropriations to military construction. Among the bills targeted by L-3 lobbyists: legislation proposed by Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) that would limit the use of the scanners at airports as a backup measure only."

After passing in the House in 2009, Chaffetz's legislation languished in the Senate after an alleged failed attempt to ignite an explosive powder during a Christmas-time flight to Detroit.

Chaffetz acknowledges that the attempted bombing contributed to the bill's failure, but added, "But I also routinely heard that ‘Secretary Chertoff believes this is the right thing to do. Who are you to challenge him?'"