May 22, 2010 - Roughly 65 million doses of swine flu vaccine sit unused or expired in clinics, doctor’s offices, and warehouses across the United States as the virus that once stoked fears of a devastating global epidemic has retreated. Most of the leftover shots and nasal spray, about 40% of what the federal government ordered, will be destroyed.
The purchase of so much vaccine, at a cost of $1.6 billion, was a calculated gamble made early in the epidemic, when it was impossible to know the virus would prove less harmful than some specialists had forecast.
But the gamble may have yielded dividends nonetheless, disease trackers said. The 91 million doses that were administered may have helped prevent a wintertime outbreak.
“Influenza’s just very unpredictable,’’ said Dr. Susan Lett, medical director of the state Department of Public Health’s immunization program.
Ed. Note: On the other hand, it may not have had any positive effect whatsoever. These maybe statements are intended to diffuse the basic fact that billions of dollars of public funds (that means it is your money) were thrown away on a government-sponsored fear of a non-existent pandemic threat! Aren’t you even a little bit pissed that your money was wasted and you will never see anything useful or worthwhile in exchange for what was taken from you?