Armed agents bust raw milk and cheese sellers!

LOS ANGELES, Kalifornia - August 3, 2011 - A multi-agency SWAT-style armed raid was conducted this morning by helmet-wearing, gun-carrying enforcement agents from the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Office, the Food and Drug Adminisatration, the Dept. of Agriculture, and the Centers for Disease Control.

Rawesome Foods, a private buying club offering natural raw milk and raw cheese products, was founded by James Stewart, a pioneer in bringing wholesome raw foods directly to consumers through a buying club. James was followed from his private residence by law enforcement soldiers, and when he entered his store, the raid was launched.

The thug cops demanded that all customers (members) of the store vacate the premises, then they demanded to know how much cash James had at the store. When James explained the amount of cash he had at the store - which is used to purchase product for selling there - agents demanded to know why he had such an amount and source of the cash.

James was handcuffed, was NEVER read his rights, and was stuffed into an UNMARKED car. While agents said they would leave behind a warrant, no one has yet had any opportunity to even see if such a warrant exists or if it is a complete warrant.

James is now being held at the Pacific division police department at Centinela and Culver in Los Angeles. He is being held on $123,000 bail with no possibility of using bail bonds. The outlaw police have illegally demanded that if he comes up with the money to cover bail, he must disclose to them all the sources of that money.

Massive public protests are needed to teach these criminal law enforcement agencies that they cannot illegally arrest and persecute individuals merely for buying and selling raw milk and cheese. Natural News is organizing a public protest day in cooperation with James Stewart.

Please watch NaturalNews for further information..