Armageddon flu virus research suspended!

Risk to the world too great.

LONDON, England - January 23, 2012 - Researchers studying a potentially more lethal, airborne version of bird flu have suspended their studies because of concerns the mutant virus they have created could be used as a devastating form of bioterrorism or accidentally escape the lab.

In a letter published in the journals Nature and Science on Friday, 39 scientists defended the research as crucial to public health efforts.

But they are bowing to fear that has become widespread since December, when media reports discussed the studies and their possible consequences.

Fears were raised that the engineered viruses might escape from the laboratories - not unlike the frightful scenario in the 1971 science fiction movie The Andromeda Strain - or possibly be used to create a bioterror weapon.

Among the scientists who signed the letter were leaders of the two teams that spearheaded the research, at Erasmus Medical College in The Netherlands and the University of Wisconsin, Madison, as well as influenza experts at institutions ranging from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to the University of Hong Kong.