Arkansas Democrat’s pet murdered by sick pig bastard!

“LIBERAL” scrawled on corpse

LITTLE ROCK, Arkansas (PNN) - January 23, 2012 - An Arkansas Democrat has a message for whoever killed his children’s cat: “I’ve got a gun and I know how to use it.”

According to the Blue Arkansas blog, the campaign manager to Ken Aden, who’s running for the state’s third congressional district, came home last night to discover the family pet had been murdered and left on their front porch, as if the attacker wanted it to be discovered.

The feline’s skull was bashed in, and an ominous message was carved into its side: “LIBERAL.”

“If I have to protect my (children), I’ll do it without hesitation,” said Aden campaign manager Jake Burris.

The killing comes after a weekend of positive press for Aden, a former soldier running for Congress as a Democrat in one of the most conservative areas of Arkansas.

“To kill a child’s pet is just unconscionable,” Aden said in a media advisory. “As a former combat soldier, I’ve seen the best of humanity and the worst of humanity. Whoever did this is definitely part of the worst of humanity.

“It is one thing to engage in civil political discourse, and for Republicans and Democrats to disagree with each other, which is an expected part of the political process. Taking it to this level is beyond unacceptable.”

The killer has not yet come forward, and cops in Russellville, Arkansas said they are investigating.

Aden added that he did not believe the attack was in any way related to the reelection campaign of Republican Rep. Steve Womack.