QUARTZSITE, Arizona - July 10, 2011 - Quartzsite, Arizona, the town now infamous for arresting a citizen for speaking during a public city council meeting, has apparently declared martial law.
According to Quartzsite Mayor Ed Foster, this happened after a secret meeting was held during which the city council voted in favor of declaring a state of emergency.
Jennifer Jones, the woman who has gone on a full-scale crusade against corruption in the small town of 3,600, posted an urgent update on her blog, The Desert Freedom Press.
“At about noon today, the town council, at the request of the police chief, declared an official state of emergency. Sgt Xavier Frausto was dressed in tactical gear when he and the police chief demanded the mayor get in their car,” wrote Jones.
That’s right, according to this report, police in tactical gear ordered a sitting mayor to a potentially illegal secret meeting.
Instead, the mayor drove himself to the meeting, which he himself later called illegal.
World Net Daily spoke with Jennifer Jones, who now fears for her safety in the small town located two hours from Phoenix.
“They’ve got their tactical gear on, the police chief and his sergeant,” Jones said. “I don’t know what that means. I need to get the word out in case they come here. I am very concerned for my safety.”
A report in The Arizona Republic confirms that Quartzite Mayor Ed Foster has indeed called the situation in his town a form of martial law but also quotes the Vice Mayor as saying that while she condems the meeting, martial law is not necessarily the right word to use.
“Foster said the council had imposed martial law, but Vice Mayor Barbara Cowell said that does not accurately characterize the action. She added that the city attorney had condoned the meeting and that a recording of the session will be made accessible to the public today,” The Arizona Republic reported.
The situation in Quartzsite has been heating up as the story of Jennifer Jones and her unlawful arrest during a city council meeting has gained momentum after being covered by multiple mainstream newspapers.
The initial arrest came as Jennifer was exposing the corruption of the local city council as well as the police chief, who is already under investigation by The Arizona State Dept of Public Safety.