WASHINGTON (PNN) - January 23, 2012 - It’s not just for the Afghanistan and Iraq wars anymore. The Amerikan Gestapo Department of Homeland Security (DHS) division is interested in a camera package that can peek in on almost four square miles of constitutionally protected Amerikan territory for long, long stretches of time.
The fascists at the DHS don’t have a particular system in mind. Right now, it’s just soliciting “industry feedback” on what a formal call for such a “Wide Area Surveillance System” might look like. But it’s the latest indication of how powerful military surveillance technology is being planned for use by outlaw fascist thugs against the Amerikan people.
DHS says it’s interested in a system that can see between two and four square miles, roughly the size of Brooklyn, New York’s Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood - in its “persistent mode”. By “persistent,” it means the cameras should stare at the area in question for an unspecified number of hours to collect what the military likes to call “pattern of life” data - that is, what “normal” activity looks like for a given area.
Persistence typically depends on how long the vehicle carrying the camera suite can stay aloft; DHS wants something that can fit into a manned P-3 Orion spy plane or a Predator drone - of which it has a couple. When not in “persistent mode,” the cameras ought to be able to see much, much further: “long linear areas, tens to hundreds of kilometers in extent, such as open, remote borders.”
If it’s starting to sound reminiscent of the spy tools the military has used in Iraq and Afghanistan, it should. It is a reflection of the criminal fascists occupiers in Washington, D.C.
Ed. Note: When is enough, enough? Will you only be satisfied when you and your families are taken to ovens and burned alive? It is time now to overthrow the pig thug fascist bastards that have stolen our free country and turned it into the Fourth Reich! It is time to make war on the murderous fascist pigs who are destroying our freedoms! Revolution Now! Independence Forever!