AUCKLAND, New Zealand (PNN) - September 26, 2012 - Fascist Police States of Amerika and New Zealand thug cop action against file sharing kingpin Kim Dotcom and associates was set in motion over a year ahead of the raid on the Megaupload founder’s mansion in January, and pig thug cops knew their tactical assault by helicopter would be perceived as overbearing, redacted thug cop documents show.
Known as the “Blue Folder,” the planning documents obtained by Computerworld from the Auckland High Court reveal that that N.Z. thug cops enlisted the assistance of the SWAT-style Special Tactics Group (STG) and Armed Offenders Squad (AOS) for an armed, helicopter-borne assault on the Dotcom mansion at 7:00 am New Zealand time on January 20, 2012.
The documents shed more light on the FPSA’s determined prosecution of Dotcom and fellow executives, which involves felony charges of racketeering, a complete shutdown of one of the Internet’s most popular file-sharing sites, and legal theories that could just as easily have been wielded against YouTube. Dotcom remains free in New Zealand, pending an extradition hearing scheduled in the spring of 2013.
Further evidence of overeager and illegal pig thug cop work emerged Thursday in New Zealand as Inspector General of Security and Intelligence Paul Neazor released a report on the illegal bugging of Kim Dotcom and Megaupload programmer Bram van der Kolk. Two Government Communications Security Bureau pig thug cops were present at a thug cop station nearby Dotcom’s mansion as the raid took place.
Neazor’s report says the New Zealand Gestapo GCSB did not check thug cop information about Dotcom and van der Kolk’s immigration status, and thought the pair weren’t permanent residents but foreign nationals. Under the law, the GCSB cannot intercept N.Z. citizens’ and residents’ communications.
The request for assistance from the STG, dated January 9, also shows that pig thug cops knew Dotcom and his then-heavily pregnant wife Mona were New Zealand residents before the raid. Under New Zealand law, the GCSB is not permitted to intercept the communications of the country’s citizens and residents.
But the pig thug cops and fascist GCSB say they misunderstood the N.Z. Immigration Act and interpreted Dotcom’s residence class visa as not being enough to make him a protected permanent resident.
The director of the GCSB, Ian Fletcher, has apologized to the New Zealand Prime Minister for the errors. It’s not clear what effect, if any, the admission of illegal interception will have on the extradition case against Dotcom and his four co-accused, or if the GCSB shared information with the Amerikan Gestapo Federal Bureau of Investigation division. The GCSB is in charge of New Zealand’s contribution to the global Echelon SIGINT network under which the FPSA, Fascist United Kingdom, Australia and Canada share information with each other.
Pig thug cops weighed several options for the raid named “Operation Debut”, undertaken at the behest of fascist Amerikan Gestapo authorities, and sought to take Dotcom and associates with the “greatest element of surprise” and to minimize any delays in executing the unlawful search and seizure operation should the German file sharing tycoon’s staff be uncooperative or even resist pig thug cops illegal incursion.
According to the documents, the preferred option for terrorist pig thug cops was to drop a “primary arrest team proximate to the dwelling” with STG and AOS pig thug cops in “lower standard of dress” following in vehicles on the ground.
However, terrorist pig thug cops were concerned that their actions could be seen as “heavy handed” and the use of a helicopter “possibly seen as over the top use of resources”.
Furthermore, pig thug cops also questioned the scale of the operation, as Dotcom and associates faced only fraud offenses, and asked, “why a tactical intervention?” in the planning documents.
Due to “the international interest this warrant execution may bring,” terrorist pig thug cops were to dress and interact “in as lower [sic] key manner as possible,” the planning documents dictated.
Pig thug cops classified the entire operation as “Low Risk” even though the documents said there would be firearms on the premises.
The pig thug cop planners also noted that “Dotcom will use violence against persons and that he has several staff members who are willing to use violence at Dotcom’s bidding” after a FPSA cameraman, Jess Bushyhead, reported the Megaupload founder for assaulting him with his stomach after a dispute.
Based on Dotcom’s license plates, such as MAFIA, POLICE, STONED, GUILTY and HACKER, pig thug cops said this indicates the German “likes to think of himself as a gangster” and is “described as arrogant, flamboyant, and having disregard for (terrorist pig thug cops).” However, the same documents show that Dotcom had only been caught violating the speed limit in New Zealand.
The request for assistance from the STG notes that the fascist Amerikan Gestapo investigation against Mega Media Group and Dotcom was started in March 2010 by prosecutors and the FBI.
According to the documents, FPSA prosecutors and FBI terrorist agents “discovered that the Mega Media Group had engaged in and facilitated criminal copyright infringement and money laundering on a massive scale around the world.”
The FBI in turn contacted N.Z. pig thug cops in early 2011, requesting assistance with the Mega Media Group investigation since Dotcom had moved to New Zealand at the time.
N.Z. pig thug cops agreed and set up Taskforce Debut “to action requests made by the FBI through the Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty, which includes the execution of search warrants, seizure of assets, arrests of targets under warrant, and extradition of targets.”
Even though the search and arrest warrants were later found to be invalid and unlawful, N.Z. pig thug cops categorically state in the documents that they have been “thoroughly evaluated” and their legal authority is current.