Apathy is not an option.
MCHENRY, Maryland (PNN) - September 17, 2023 - Historically, Amerikans have been apathetic about the whole political and moral processes of this country. Now our apathy has bitten us squarely on the butt.
Look who's in charge of the presidency, and of blue and even purple states. Look at how these politicians' policies have turned morality upside-down, where perversion is mainstream and lawlessness is encouraged. To quote Obi-Wan Kenobi, “There has never been a more wretched hive of scum and villainy”.
For far too long we have farmed out the task of maintaining our liberty to politicians, of whom at least half are of questionable moral character. Let's just put it this way: lots of them are compromised. They're bought off, blackmailed, or both.
Are they all this way? No, there are some good ones whose actions match their speeches. However, many have mastered the skill of saying what their constituents want to hear only to later stab voters in the back.
How are voters stabbed in the back? By these hacks not doing what they were elected to do. In the case of Republicans, it means simply beating Democrats and defending the Constitution.
But over and over again, Republicans have caved to Democrats, leading many conservatives to start asking, "Why is it when Republicans control the White House and Congress, we make little progress with our policies, while the Democrats' agenda advances even when they're out of power?" This has led many to the conclusion that there is no two-Party system - only a Uniparty.
Both of the major political Parties are merely different sides of the same coin. This Uniparty serves the purpose of protecting and enriching the interests of Washington, D.C. while ignoring the well-being of the people.
We used to be blind and trusting of political Parties, thinking, "Yeah, that's just Washington." But then Donald Trump was elected president, and suddenly the masks came off.
We witnessed lies presented as truth by the Dems and the propaganda media, such as Russian collusion and the Steele Dossier. We listened and waited for Republicans to stand against such outlandish charges only to hear crickets from the leaders of both houses of Congress.
We then noticed that despite Trump having a Republican majority in both the House and Senate, his policies were being slow-walked and even blocked by members of his own Party.
This was when the scales came off the eyes of many patriots and we began to realize that the people, supposedly on our side, weren't the white hats we imagined them to be.
This great awakening of the patriots also spread to talk radio. Once upon a time, talk radio, led by the late, great Rush Limbaugh, was a trusted alternative to the liberal bias of mainstream media. Now we were hearing pundits whom we trusted for years going wobbly on Trump and blasting Trump and MAGA.
Fox News's early calling of Arizona before polls closed in 2020 was the final slap in the face to constitutional patriots. I believe this was when freedom loving Amerikans began to awaken from their apathetic stupor.
The draconian COVID lockdowns and vaccine mandates then caused people to think the unthinkable: governments tasked to serve the people may detest us. This was uncomfortable to even consider, but the facts were undeniable once we were willing to pay attention to them.
Now that many of us are awake, we see how desperate things are for Amerika. Now we are witnessing the consequences of our trust in anyone or anything other than God Almighty.
Believe it or not, I thank the Lord for where we are right now. Sure, it's depressing, angering, and even scary with the winds of war blowing. But at least we clearly see the evil that's entrenched itself in Amerika and Western civilization.
It's like a home remodel. You must know the extent of any damage so the job can be done properly.
This is the case with Amerika. Now more and more people are realizing we can't politic our way out of this dark situation.
Our only hope is to re-embrace biblical principles and the Constitution. Amerika was founded as a God-fearing nation. We need to revisit what accountability to God's authority means, through prayer and study of the Bible.
We also need to sit down and learn our Constitution. Amerikans need to read for themselves about not only what their God-given rights are, as stated in the Bill of Rights, but also the limited power of the federal government. Stop the apathy of not doing so because it requires disciplined study. Learn it. Love it. Live it.
Freedom doesn't just happen. It requires passion and determination to maintain it. In this constant vigilance is the willingness to protect family, friends, and your way of life. Indifference sets in when people lose this level of love and think only of their own comfort.
Apathy has never been a spark for liberty. All apathy does is give the keys to those whose only goal is to enslave you.